To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 15

Jessica POV:

I woke up, and looked at the clock it was 1:00 in the afternoon. I began to stretch and the realized James was still sound asleep next to me. I smiled he looks so cute when he's sleeping, I rolled over closer to him, he's breathing so softly, his hair is all ruffled and messy. I rested my head softly on his chest. Man I love this boy, he makes me so happy. I slowly raises my head up off of his chest and got up out of bed. I walked out of the room and walked downstairs. Everyone else was still sleeping so I quietly made myself some tea and went to the living room, shut the door and turned on the TV.

~One Hour later~

I just finished watching some episodes of Revenge
I got up and walked to the kitchen and put my tea cup in the dishwasher and then I quietly went back upstairs into my room.
"Oh hey, your up."
"yeah you left me?"
"sorry. I couldn't believe it was 1:00 pm so I got up and made myself some tea and watched some Revenge."
"Wait you watched Revenge without me?!"
"Yeah. I didn't know you even watched that show?"
"Yeah are you crazy. I'm in love with that show."
"Oh well then we will watch some more later."
"Oh good."

I walked away smiling, I went and room a shower and then both James and I went into Ashley's room. We both walked up to Ashley and yelled


We both thought someone is gonna die this morning. Ashley jolted up and screamed. we both started laughing so hard she looked like a wilder beast that just got electrocuted.
" You guys!!!! That's not funny!!! I'm going to kill you both for waking me up so abruptly!!!!" "We're sorry Ashley, but its 2:00 O'clock in the afternoon we figured it was time to wake up."
"Woah what its 2:00?! What time did we get home last night?"
" 3:00- 3:30."
" Oh wow. That was a late night wasn't it?" "Yeah but a very very fun one. Thank you guys so much for the most amazing night ever. And your speeches, oh my god I thought I was going to cry all night long! They were so sweet and heartfelt! Especially yours babe."
"Aw Jess your welcome, we wanted you to have a night away from drama and worry."
"And you guys did just that, thank you."
James kissed me, and Ashley got up from bed and hugged me.
"Hey is anyone else here hungry? I know I am." "Yeah I sort of am hungry. I saw we should go out to breakfast. I want French toast."
"Yes I totally agree! I want waffles."
"Then its settle."
"But wait let me take a shower first and make myself look somewhat decent."
" Haha okay fine. James and I will be down stairs."
" Okay."

~One Hour Later~

After breakfast we decided we wanted to go to the park.
"Wow this place has memories."
"Memories how babe?"
" Well first we came here the day after we first met and you gave me my necklace and kissed me and we had an amazing time. Then we were here a second you brought me flowers and told me that beautiful story about that girl and her flower garden. I just feel like even though its only been two times it feels like so many more. Because each time was filled with joy and tears of happiness."
"Wow babe well I'm glad I was apart of it."
"Me too."
" Hey you guys, I'm going to call Luke, see if he wants to hang out with us later."
" Okay."
I turned back to James wanting to continue remembering all of the good times we had at the park.
"I also want to be apart of something way bigger in your life."
"Babe what do you mean way bigger?"
Then I saw James do that thing that every girl dreams of to have happen to her in a romantic place at perfect time with the perfect person. He knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small box, containing yes you guessed it an engagement ring!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! Was this happening oh my god??!! I gasped and covered my mouth and tears swelled up in my eyes.
"Oh my god James I......."
"Babe say yes you know you want to."
He was right I did want to. But was this right? Was this all happening to soon? Oh my god who am I kidding, if I say no to this things could totally alter and will never be the same. I could lose him and never find anyone on the face of this earth who would even compare to James.

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