To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter Two

Jessica's POV:

It's been three weeks since my stay at the hospital and I am home now. I still have to have my white blood count checked, but overall I feel a lot better since the accident. I have gone to visit my parents three times since my hospital release. My mom still hasn't woken up and my father doesn't want to talk to me and all I could find out was that he has to get minor surgery for his leg. After I returned home from visiting my parents, I got a call from my best friend Ashley. 

" Hey Jess, how are you feeling?" 

" Uh okay my ribs still hurt a little and my headaches are still pretty frequent but the pain isn't as bad as it was when I was in the hospital." 

"That's good to hear. Do you want to go and visit your parents today?"
" Maybe tomorrow, I kinda want to go to sleep."
" Ok, call me tomorrow if you need to go over to the hospital."
"Ok, thanks ash."
" Anytime. Love you."
" Love you too"
And before I knew it I feel asleep with the phone in my hand.

The next morning came, which felt so fast, I got up and I called Ashley.
" Hey girl what's up?"
"Nothing just woke up, I was wondering can you drive me to the hospital?"
" Yeah, give me an hour and I'll be over there?"
"That works, thank you. I'll see you soon, bye"
" Bye"
I hung up and hobbled upstairs to grab a bag and pack a few things because I would be at the hospital for a few hours.

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