To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter Ten

Jessica's POV:

My mom has called my phone a total of twenty times, leaving a message each time. Going along the lines of 

" Jess please come home I'm sorry I didn't listen to you etc. etc. etc." 

It aggravates me that even though I'm more mad at my father, my anger just explodes like an atomic bomb injuring the both if my parents. Even though my father could care less I just have this feeling that he does feel bad he is just to stubborn and hard hearten to realize it. James has been texting me a lot to make sure that I'm handling it okay. This is really upsetting that I'm in this spot with my parents right now because my birthday is coming up in a two weeks and I'm going to be 18, the age at which my parents no longer can tell me what to do.

I sat up in my bed, and noticed that Ashley was sleeping still. I didn't want to wake her, so I got up and quietly went downstairs and called James. 

"Hey babe how are you doing?" 

"Eh okay I'm still pretty tired I didn't tell anyone this but I had a nightmare that I lost my mom and my father was the only one left to take care of me. I hadn't yet fixed things with my mom and she was gone and I knew I could never apologize to her personally and she would never know how sorry I was about what happened."

I felt the tears coming I was so scared this would a reality. 

"That's terrible Jess I'm so sorry all of this is happening right now I wish I could be with you right now." 

" Well you can later on this afternoon, I'll come to the park and we can see each other then." 

" Good ill see you than. I hate to hang up on you but I need to go to the garage and keep putting some more boxes from the move away. I love you and I'm so glad that we met again and picked up where we left off. Jess you mean the world to me and I want you to know that." 

"Aww thank  you so much babe that means the world  to me. I'm glad we picked up where we left off as well. I love you too have fun putting boxes away." 

"Haha thanks. See you later. Bye." 

"Bye." I hang up with James and went back upstairs to see if Ash woke up.

"Hey Jess?" 

"Hey you slept in late today." 

"Ha yeah I was tired I don't know why we barely did anything yesterday. Were you down stairs?" "Yeah James texted me, checking to see if I was okay and I wanted to call him and let him know, so I went downstairs so I wouldn't wake you."

"You wouldn't have woken me I love hearing you and James talk,its really cute." I smiled at that, I actually thought that it was annoying. "Well that's a first. Normally I come off as annoying or obnoxious." Who says that about you? I don't think that at all!" "I know you don't Ash you've grown up with me for a long time you've bypassed my flaws and the things wrong with me." "There's nothing wrong with you Jess! No matter what anyone says!" "Thanks Ash that means a lot to me. I told James that we would meet him at the park to talk and so that we can see each other.

"I didn't mention that you and Luke might want to go." 

" I would love to go, but Luke wants to stay in today because he doesn't want to spend anymore money he just wants to see me. No offense he going away in two days and he really only has today to see me because he has the spend that whole day packing." 

"Oh where is he going." 

"His family his going to Paris for three weeks." 

"Wow that's amazing good for him that will be an awesome experience." 

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