Story ended possible new book.

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~okay so I'm not sure how many of you are going to make it here. I know that I had a steady flow of chapters with this book and than it dropped of the face of the earth for a while. But it is officially finished and I may or may not do other chapters in other characters point of views and dip into how their lives are going now. I also may or may not publish another book based off of this story. Honestly I don't think any of you would care. This was my first book and honestly it sucked. I'll do a lot of thinking about another book. But I'm sure none of you will he surprised if there won't be one.

Lastly if any of you are beliebers or like Justin or Hailey Baldwin go read my story about them. I have started another book on that, the second part. So you could read that. I put more thought into that story and time. I might just see how this story does and if it doesn't go far I'll just take it down. Anyway, thank you to those whose have read and hopefully enjoyed.

Have a happy Easter!!

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