To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 12

Jessica POV:

It's been two days since I last spoke to James. I am beginning to worry, I'm hoping that James didn't think I broke up with him when I informed him of his father asking me to. I'm even more upset because I was only given three days to break up with James, two of which have been lost with no communication between us. I've sent him three text messages, I've called him twice and I haven't gotten a response. I've been crying so much these past two days, I miss my soon to not be boyfriend. How he used to call me when I woke up, text me cute messages expressing his love for me, and bringing me unexpected gifts. Ashley has been trying to get me out of the house, but I've been to preoccupied with my phone, waiting for James to respond. I really hope he's okay , I really hope we can talk soon before I have to do anymore damage.

James POV:

I couldn't believe this, I was so mad no livid. My father was asking my girlfriend to break up with me? I couldn't even understand why, why would he want me to be unhappy? I got home that night and went to immediately find him, and get a better grip on everything that was happening. I found him in his office and I knocked on the door and walked in 

"Good evening son." 

I wasn't very happy he was acting this way, was he serious? 

"Hi dad can we talk?"

 "Sure take a seat. What do you want to talk to me about." 

"Why are you texting my girlfriend telling her to break up with me?" 

I saw his face flinch as if he was sure I wouldn't know about that.

 "What do you mean?" 

"Dad don't do this you know exactly what I mean. You texted Jess telling her that you wanted her to break up with me. Why would you do that?"

He took his glasses off and sat back in his chair. He twirled his glasses around in his hands before responding.

 "James, I am your father. I watched the decisions you make I develop an opinion on these decisions and you dating Jess is not one I'm proud of. Whenever you are in a relationship you become oblivious to the fact that school is teetering on the edge of passing or failing. Your attention span at home is not what it should be and you become more focuses on spending money on her buying her flowers or gifts that I'm sure she doesn't need. I didn't move us out of state two years ago to then have my boss send me back to this office and have you find Jess again and go back to dating her. I am not fond of her, I do not like her that much and that opinion won't change. I want her to break up with you because you are not focused on the things that you need to be focused on, she is a distraction."

I just couldn't even believe what he was saying. I was becoming infuriated he knows what losing her the first time did to me and now he's making me lose her again?! This is insane! I stood up and just stared at him. 

"You are unbelievable! Do you even know what breaking up with her two years ago did to me?! Do you know how depressed I got?! I loved her so much and now that I found her again I'm so happy and I'm so in love. And you would even fathom, you would have the heart to ask me to break up with her?! Or even worse have her break up with me?! You have become the worse father since mom died, you have only cared about yourself! You think you care about me but you don't!"

I was actually crying and I was crying over years and years of turmoil and depression and the fact my father is just fine with me being unhappy. I didn't even let him respond I didn't care anymore I just wanted out I ripped the door open and left. I grabbed the keys to my car and went out the front door. I had no destination I just wanted to drive. I knew that I should call Jess but I couldn't I didn't want her to feel she needed to break up with me I didn't want to open up that hole I wanted it to stay closed. I know she might be hurting but I am too I just need to be alone right now I'll call her tomorrow.

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