Wedding Chapter part three: Its finally here! Im getting married

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I'm not going to give much inside to anything before the ceremony. I'm really going to just have both POV's between Jess and James and than they're  going to get married. Please don't hate me I just don't want to bore anyone.

Jess's POV:
The day has finally arrive. I Jessica Claire white am going to get married in less than 30 minutes. I still can't believe that this is happening. It feels like yesterday James and I met again and picked up where we left off. It's like nothing changed. Now I'm finally getting my happy ending. Everyone I love and have depended on for the past 18 years of my life are here to celebrate this amazing day with me.

James POV:
Wow, I never knew that someone could shake with nerves so much before. I have never been so nervous in my life. I don't know why I'm nervous. It's not like Jess is going to get on the altar and say no I don't want to marry you anymore. At least I hope she won't. Anyway I need to try and stop freaking out everything is going to go great. My cousin Clark is here and my best friend luke is here. Nothing can trip me up or ruin this amazing day that I am about to experience.

~ the bells sounds signaling that everyone get to a seat and for the bride and groom and the wedding parties to prepare for the precession down the isle~

" Jess are you ready?" The time has officially come."
"I'm so ready. I just want to be married already."
" Well no worries all of your happiness is about to be here. I love you so much Jess and I'm so happy that you are finally going to be genuinely happy."
" Thank you Ashley."

~the music starts to play as all the brides maids and groomsmen process down the isle~

Welcome Statement

Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this beautiful day to witness the union of Jessica White and James Tanner in holy matrimony. This is a day of great celebration and reverence, on which we come together before before God to recognize and commemorate the sacred love and dedication shared between these two people. It is wonderful to have family and friends here to join us today. The bride and groom would like to thank their guests for being here, and would like you to know that each of you were invited here on this day because you have played an integral part in their intertwining lives.

As the Bible reminds us in Corinthians, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails."

In the time that Jessica White and James Tanner have spent together, they've built the sturdy foundation for a lifelong relationship. After a great deal of thoughtful consideration, they have decided to bind themselves to one another for the rest of their lives.

May you all remember and cherish this sacred ceremony, for on this day, with love, we will forever bind Jessica White and James Tanner together.

Wedding Sermon

Minister: (Addressing guests) Marriage is a sacred ceremony. Today we observe the union of these two people with the respect the occasion warrants. What we honor with reverence, however, we also celebrate with great joy! For married life – a shared life – is a tremendous blessing. Now, as Jessica White and James Tanner embark on this journey together, they will be able to nurture a love that makes each of them better versions of themselves. Marriage is, indeed, the perfect garden from which to sow and harvest personal growth.

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