To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 16
* sorry for reuse of picture couldn't find a different one*
James POV:
Im beginning to worry about Jess, she hasn't really been talking much about the engagement. I hope she is not regretting the decision. I mean maybe we are to young but I know that she is the one for me and I will never leave her. I want there to be no other man in her life besides me, I want to take the position of being her husband I want to make her happy and give her the things that she needs and wants. I need to find her and talk to her, I need to know if she wants to wait longer before we go through with the marriage.

Jessica POV:
I have been staring at this ring since the moment it was put on my finger. I am having so many mixed thoughts about it. It scares me I don't want to lose this amazing love that James and I share. I don't want to ruin it with my stupid second guessing. He means the world to me and honestly I don't think I would be able to move on and be happy if I gave the engagement ring back. If things didn't work out after that and I hurt him for the worst I would never forgive myself.

Ashley POV:
Well this is something you all probably thought would never happen but Luke and I are no longer together. He cheated on me with some blonde twig and our school and gave her all the same lines and catch phrases and all of the sweet things that he told me were all lies just lies!! I am so mad I never want to see him again. He made me believe that he loved me. He made me believe that he wanted to be my boyfriend forever. He meant nothing and now he means nothing to me. I hope he enjoys his blonde twig of a whore. He is dead to me.

So I got a text message from Ashley saying that her and Luke broke up. I am totally shocked he made her feel like she was at the top of his world when in reality she honestly meant nothing to him. He only dated her to get at Claire, the school's skank. Why on earth would he be in love with a girl like that?! she doesn't even love him I bet you five billion dollars. Poor Ashley she truly loved him and he broke her heart. He will pay.

Later on that day I met up with Ashley to help her get over the breakup. I then texted James saying to him that we needed to talk and to meet me at my house in two hours. After I left Ashley, I went home to take a shower and try and get myself in the mindset for talking to James. After I got out of the shower I saw that there was only an hour left until James was going to arrive. I figured I'd watch my favorite show Revenge while I pass the time.

Just as I was about to sit down, my doorbell rang. This couldn't be James, he has an hour left before he has to come. I got up and went over to the door and opened it. I swear I felt my body engulf in flames, I kid you not there standing on my doorstep was the devil himself. Mr. Tanner. he was back from wherever he went off to with his new girlfriend that took the place that his son never had but should have.

"Hello Jessica."

"What are you doing here?"

" I figured I'd visit. I haven't seen you or James in a while."

"Yeah as it should be. Believe me we are fine and you didn't care for half of James life. why start now?"

"Oh come now Jessica don't hold a grudge."

"A grudge? you think I'm holding a grudge?! First off Mr. Tanner let me tell you something. Do you want to know how long ago James got cleared for walking again? Two weeks ago. And you disappeared what three months ago. Your son has been in and out of the hospital and physical therapy so he could walk again for four months. Do you remember that night Mr. Tanner? That night that you almost killed your son after he stormed out of the house in blind furry? And how you had the nerve to show up at the hospital after the accident with your pretend worry written all over your face. When you knew this happened because of you? You are a disgrace, you sicken me. You almost killed your son. And you found a new person to fill the void of complete darkness and emptiness that should have been filled by oh I don't know your son, your own flesh and blood?! But no he wasn't good enough for you. So you met this women at some hotel and then whisked your way off to magic land with her, while I helped your son recover, I was there for him, I helped pay for his medical bills!!

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