Wedding chapter Part One

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Jess's POV:
Today is the first day of my wedding weekend. By Sunday I will officially be married to my boyfriend James Tanner if you forgot. Ashley and I found my dress two weeks ago and I still can believe that in two days I will be married. Lately I've been staying at Ashley's house because my mom has been away.

"Jess oh my god I just cannot believe you are going to be a married women in Sunday?!"
"I know Ashley me neither. I'm actually nervous and scared."
"Why are you nervous and scared? It's not like it's an arranged marriage. James and you are made for each other."
"I know I guess I'm just waiting for a fall to happen. Waiting for something bad to happen."
"Stop that. Stop thinking that something is going to happen. Nothing is going to happen you are going to get married to the love of your life and it's going to be an unforgettable memory and it will be a happy day for you. I'll make sure if it."
"Thank you Ashley. I can always count on you."

My phone rang and it was my mom.

"Hey mom."
"Hi honey how are you? I miss you."
"I miss you too I'm doing fine just getting last preparations for the flight. We are flying out tomorrow morning for Hawaii."
"Yes, I will be there by tomorrow afternoon."
"Good perfect. Everything is falling together. I just want it to be Sunday already."
"I know sweetie. Soon enough it will be here and you will be getting married to the love of your life. I pray everyday that this is a long and happy marriage and that James will never hurt you."
"I know he will never hurt me mom. We love each other and want nothing more than the best for each other."
"That's all I hope for. I want you to be happy and I want you to be healthy."
"Thank you mom. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you too see you than."

I hung up with my mom. I left Ashley's room and went downstairs I found Ashely and her mother laughing and joking, they were making breakfast. I washed my hands and rolled up my sleeves. I don't know what I would do without this family. They make me laugh and smile everyday.

James POV:
I honestly cannot breathe. I don't know why, no scratch that I do know why. I'm getting married in two days. Not only am I just getting married, I'm getting married to Jessica White, who if you have forgotten is the love of my life. I could not picture my life without her. After everything that has happened I just love knowing that I have her to turn to. She is the most beautiful caring and soulful person that I have been blessed to know. She changed the course of my life drastically multiple times. I am head over heels with the idea of her and her as a person. I cannot wait for this weeding. This will become hands down the greatest day of my life.

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