To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter Eight
* hate me if you want to. I had Justin Bieber in mind when I created James Tanner. If you have anyone else you would like to portray James as feel free. The picture will remain the same.* 

Jessica's POV:

I arrived at Ashley's house, it was 11:30. Ashley opened the door.

" Jess, what are you doing here? Are you okay what happened?" I couldn't do it I dropped everything I began to sob, Ashley grabbed me and pulled me into a hug tighter than ever. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore, Ashley took my stuff and we walked up to her room, we sat on her bed and spent the next few hours talking.

I told her about what went down this afternoon and then I fell asleep and Ashley feel asleep next to me. The next morning, Luke texted Ashley.

**Hey babe, just wondering what your up to today. Me and my friend James were going to go and walk around the mall just thought I'd ask if you wanna go. Text me back if you want me to pick you up. Love you.**

 " Hey Luke texted me. He wants to see if I want to go to the mall. He doesn't know your here and I would tell him that if you wanted to go"

 " I will do anything to change my mindset ash. I would love to go to the mall if Luke wants me to tag along that is." " Luke does like you Jess."

" I know but your his girlfriend and maybe he just wanted to hang with you." 

" His friend James is with him I don't think James wants to he a third wheel."

 Did she just say James? That James the James I fell in love with in sixth grade? 

" What is James last name?"

 " James Tanner." Oh my gosh it was that James. I wondering if he remembers me.

" Jess are you okay?" 

" Yeah I'm fine. I just know James from a few years back." 

" You know James? From where?" 

" We went to the same middle school. We met and became friends and then at the end of sixth grade we decided to date and he became my boyfriend. And we dated until eighth grade. But then his dad got a new job, and they were moving and we had to break up because his father doesn't believe in long distance relationships. Also we would be at a different high schools and he wasn't going to he James' driver back and forth so we could see each other. "

 I looked over at Ashley and she had that devious look on her face like she had just hatched an idea. 

" Ashley what are you thinking?" 

" Oh nothing" I knew she was lying but I was going to let her have her fun or whatever she was doing.

Two hours later Luke and James came to pick us up. Ashley and I walked outside. 

" So what is the name of this girl that is coming with Ashley?" 

" Uh I think her name is Jessica White" 

Then it hit me, Jessica White, I know her she was my girlfriend until the eighth grade, I was so madly in love with her until my father made us breakup because we had to move. 

" Yo James you okay?"

 " Yeah good." 

I saw James sitting in the front seat he still was just as gorgeous as he was in eight grade. He was so sweet to me and we truly loved each other but he has probably forgotten about me by now. We broke up two years ago. He could have evolved with new friends and girls in his life since then. I'm probably just a thing of the past. We got in the car. 

" Hey babe." 

" Hey. Hi Jessica. This is my friend James."

 " Hi James, nice to meet you." 

James POV: Oh my gosh she is still just as beautiful as I remember her from two years ago. But of course she looks so much more grown up. The way she introduced herself she probably has forgotten about me by now.

 " Hi Jessica nice to meet you too." 

His eyes were still a hazelnut brown and his hair was so swift and perfect. His smile so white it was like the flash of a camera and his demeanor was just so calm and relaxed. We drove off to the mall. When we arrived Luke being the gentleman he is got out of the car and ran over to Ashley's side and opened the car door for her. I saw her kiss him. I unbuckled my seat belt and as I went to pull the door handle I saw James standing there and he immediately opened the door for me.

" Thank you James." 

" Of course. No problem." 

James POV: I wanted so badly to ask her if she remembered me but I didn't want to make things awkward just in case she had a boyfriend by now.

 I wish I had the courage to just ask him if he remembered me but it been so long he's probably forgotten. We walk into the mall and Ashley and Luke were standing talking and then that left me and James.

 " So uh James where did you meet Luke from?" 

" Well I met him after I moved two years ago we both lived in the same neighborhood and he was the only nice kid to me at the school. I was really down because I had just broken up with the most beautiful sweet girl I ever met and it was sorta hard to get over it." 

Oh my gosh is he talking about our relationship. I doubt it though its been so long. 

"Oh well I'm sorry about your breakup. And I've know Luke for just a short time when he started to date my best friend Ashley and he seems really sweet and nice. He really loves her."

"It's okay the girl I loved has probably moved on by now she might even have a new boyfriend." I wish I could open up to her about everything but I don't want her to be freaked out. How about you?" 

"Well I go to East High and I had a hard year to because well strangely I had also broken up with someone. It was this guy he was the best person that was ever in my life. It took me a while to get over him, his father didn't believe in long distance relationships which is the only reason he made him break up with me."

James POV: Wait what oh my gosh she is talking about my father she has to be I've never met anyone's father who has had a problem with long distance relationships. " May I ask you what his last name was?" 

Oh my gosh he wants to know his last name. Not only does he know its his last name

" Uh well it was........"

" it's okay if you don't remember"

" It was your last name. Tanner it was Tanner." 

I immediately look away. I felt like everything just went weird. I began to walk away, then I felt a hand in my shoulder I looked back and it was James

"Jessica White? Is that your full name?"

I nod " So you do remember me."

"I never forgot you, how could I? You were the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I was heartbroken when my father made me break up with you."

I teared up he called me beautiful I've never been called that. " I.... I "

" Shh don't say anything I'd rather do this." 

And there you have it, he leaned in a kissed me. I had this feeling rush over me. I was falling in love again with the guy I never forgot and never stopped caring for. I knew that he would become my boyfriend again.

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