To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 17


Later that day I was released from the hospital (for like the billionth time in a year) and we went back to my house and began to watch tv. Then my phone rang. I looked down at the caller I.D and it's said the one name that I dread. The one person on this earth I know will be engulfed in flames and be swallowed by the earth and will never be heard from again. the one person that should be killed by a shark and be ht by a truck and thrown off the Brooklyn bridge.

This person was the nightmare before my Christmas. This person made me cry more than The Fault In Our Stars. This person broke the last bit of trust that I will ever give anyone before I know them for more than a year. this person ruined my life.

This person is also know as my father. You remember the man who hated me all my life. The man who couldn't even tell me he loved me let alone fake it. this person put me in the hospital twice. And broke my mothers heart and left without saying another word to either of us.

I was reluctant to answer the phone. So I chose not to and I ignored it.

Fifteen minutes later the doorbell rang. Which was odd because my mom has the late shift and won't be back until four. I got up slowly and went to the door. I opened it and there in front of the door stood him.

"Hi Jess."

"I didn't know your restraining order was revoked."

"Don't be like that."

"Be like what. Broken, hurt, upset? Sorry that I feel emotions dad! oh wait man who lived in our house until six months ago. What are you even doing anyway? Seeing you makes my blood boil."

"I came to talk to your mom."

"You think mom is gonna talk to you?" Ha what are you mental? After what you put me through and her?"

"Look. Is your mom here or not?"


"Are you going to tell me where she is?"

"Nope. I suggest that you leave now before I call the police. As of right now you are violating you restraining order and you are upsetting the balance of my health."

I saw him roll his eyes and begin to walk away. He then turned around and looked at me.

"You will never amount to anything. You will never be good at anything in life you will just hang off your moms every whim."

" At least I still have a life that I can look forward to living! Unlike you, you threw it all away and waisted it with every bottle you emptied, with every tear your made mom drop, and with every hospital bill you had to pay! So instead of saying that I will hang off my mothers every whim. Think of where your next piece of income is gonna come from. Because I'm pretty sure it won't be from mom and it most likely won't be from a new job. Hell it probably won't even be from the state!"

I looked at him fuming with anger that he would even think to have the nerve to say that to me. Considering what he is going to have to deal with for the rest of his life. He looked as though he was about to open his mouth, but snapped it shut and went to walk away.
Not a minute later my mother's car pulled in the driveway, I could see her sitting there in the idling car trying to comprehend what she is seeing.

She shut the car off and got out
"You're violating your restraining order Mark."
"I need to talk to you."
"You can talk to me when I'm dead, get off of my property and don't come back."
"Wow like mother like daughter, you turned into a twin of Jessica! Shutting me out and pretending I don't exist, taking her side and believing her over me. You were with me way longer before Jessica was born, how did she get reign over everything and get to take your attention?!"
"You're a child Mark, you see what happens when two people have a baby is that most of the time it is a joint effort to raise said child. I don't know how I didn't see all the times you kept trying to get me away from Jess, to go out on a week night and leave her with my sister or just place her in her crib and go do something else. You never cared about Jessica and I hate that I let her go through what she went through all these years. I almost lost my daughter because of the secrets she was keeping from me.  Now I suggest you leave now before I call the cops."
I watched my dad stare at my mother in the eyes, he again went to say something but was at a loss for words. He turned on his heel and went to his car and drove away.
"Jessica its fine. I'm fine, are you?"
"Yeah, thank you."
"You're my daughter, I should have stood up for you sooner."

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