To Believe In the Impossible

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Chapter Seven

Jessica's POV:

Today is the day that I get released, once again from the hospital. Honestly I think I like this place better than my own house. And that's saying something.
"Jess are you okay? You haven't said much since we got news you can go home." My mom had been asking me that same question for hours now. 

" Yes mother I'm fine." I could tell she knew that I was lying, but she didn't continue to question me. We finally got home after what seemed like the longest car ride of my life. " We have to be a little quiet your father is sleeping." " Since when is my father sleeping an important aspect to my well being?" Not realizing I said that out loud, my mother freaked out.

"Jessica Kate! Don't ever speak about your father like that!"
" Why mom what has he ever done for me?" Now I was in for it. But I didn't care if anyone should be able to speak there mind it should be me. I've had enough battles trying to validate for the love and acceptance my father never gave me in ways that have gotten me sick and hospitalized.
"Don't start Jess. I don't need this right now. You think that your father is some bad person. If he was would I have married him?"
"Obviously you don't hear what I'm saying. My father has never cared about me mother do you not notice this?! Could you not tell that when I was born he did not want me?! He accused me as a ten month old child that I was taking his wife away from him?! I wasn't going to tell you this because I didn't think that it was necessary for you to know, but I take that back now. About a month ago when I went to the hospital to visit my father, i didn't know you had woken up from your coma. I asked him if we had heard any news about you. Instead of giving me an answer he looked away and after I asked him three times he still didn't answer me. He knew you had woken up since the morning before and he didn't tell me. He knew how worried sick I was about you and he didn't tell me that you woke up!! Ashley had to tell me. My own father my flesh and blood didn't tell me that my mother had woken up from her coma after four weeks might I add. He also mentioned to me that he never truly loved me as his daughter and never liked me he only acted that way to please you." I was sobbing at this point I never ever talked to my mother that way, but she pushed me by taking my fathers side and not listening to me. " I've been sick because of what I'm putting my body through trying to make myself feel better about not feeling loved and accepted by my father and you never listened to me you never believed me when I told you this stuff, which made it even harder to deal with. I have scarred myself I have tried to overdose when you were not home! But luckily I have Ashley and other friends that helped validate for all of the ways in which I felt like a stranger to my own father!!"

My mom wasn't saying anything she was just standing there looking at me, my eyes were glossy from my tears I couldn't make out her facial expression to well, but I wasn't going to stick around to wait and she if she even cared about what I said. I grabbed my bag off the ground and went upstairs to my room I slammed the door shut and threw myself on my bed. I was done feeling worthless I was done feeling like this. I needed to get out of this environment. I got up off my bed and I went to my closet and got out my suitcase and packed it. I then waited until my parents were asleep. The only thing I left was a note for my mother.

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