To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter Five

Jessica's POV:

The next morning I woke up, I called Ashley and she came and picked me up and drove me over to the hospital to get my mom. I got there and she was in a wheel chair and I walked up to her and gave her a hug.
"Morning mom. How are you feeling?"
"I have a little headache, but the doctor gave me some medicine and he told me it should go away in a little while."
"Well that's good, are you ready to go home?"
"Very ready. Is Ashley driving?"
" Yeah is that okay with you?"
" Totally fine."
I walked behind the back of her wheel chair and began to push her out the doors of the hospital. We got to Ashley's car and I helped my mom in the front seat. I then got in the back and we drove off. We arrived at the house and I got out and got my mom her wheel chair. I helped her into it and then I wheeled her up to the front door.
"Is this wheel chair just to keep you stable when you have long distances to go?"
"Yeah it is I can walk to the couch that's fine." 

"Are you sure mom?"

"Yeah it's fine."

I watched her carefully get up and walk slowly to the couch and sit down. I folded up the wheel chair and leaned it against the wall.

I walk over to the family room.

"Do you need anything?"

" Yes, I would like I glass a water."

" Okay." 

I walk into the kitchen and the phone rings, I check the Caller ID and its the number for the Hospital, I figured that my father was done with his surgery. 

" Hey mom it's the hospital."

"Ok I'll take it."
I grab the phone and my mothers glass of water and brought them to her. My mother answers the phone and I hear her begin to talk to the doctor. I walk out of the room and go and get my phone and text Ashley. I walked back downstairs and my mom is just getting off the phone.
"What did the doctor say?"
" He said that your father just got out of surgery and he will be ready to come home tomorrow."
"Oh okay."
I wasn't very fond of having my father come home because the last thing I wanted on top of recovering from my injuries and helping my mother recover were more fights.
"Everything okay?"
"No, my father is coming home tomorrow. I don't even get more than a day with you."
"Don't start with that Jessica, your father is not the devil."
I still couldn't tell my mother about what happened between my father and I. I feel my phone vibrate and look at it and its Ashley.
"Hey mom can Ashley come back and hang out?"
" Sure."
I walk upstairs and sit on my bed and wait for Ash to ring the doorbell. After an hour she arrived at my house. I went downstairs and opened the door.
" Hey ash. Welcome back."
" Hey thanks."
We walk into the living room and I see my mom standing up to put on her coat.

"Hey mom, where are you going?" She turns around 

"I have to go get your father." 

"I thought he wasn't coming home until tomorrow?" 

" Well he called from his room and told me that he could either come home tonight or tomorrow and he wants to come home tonight and be in his own bed. My friend is picking me up to go get him."

I rolled my eyes and looked away and without saying another word I walked out of the living room

" Jess! I don't want you to be in a mood when we get back! Your father loves you and you know that!"

I didn't answer her, I was mad I couldn't believe that my father was coming home tonight I wanted nothing to do with him. Ashley came upstairs after me and sat next to me and looked at me

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't need my father to come home and start anymore drama."

"Considering the person he was at the hospital I don't blame you. I never knew he was still that bad."
"He's been that way since day one, he doesn't like me he's never liked me. He told me one day that he never truly loved me he just acts like he loves me, when my mom is around."

"Oh my God Jess that's awful. I'm so sorry he treats you like this."
I felt like I was gonna cry, yeah I know I've been doing that a lot lately. But I did and I was mad at myself for it too.
"Jess please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry."
I couldn't help it I had to cry I held it in for way to long, I tried fighting my own battles in my head and in this family since I was 10 and now I'm 17 and this has to stop. I felt Ashley lean over and hug me and I didn't fight it, which I have a tendency to do and I hugged her back. We stayed there for an hour I cried and she comforted me which sadly was the first time in a while I felt loved by more than one person.

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