To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter 11

Jessica's POV:

I woke up the next morning, I almost forgot where I was then I realized I was lying next to Ashley. I vaguely looked at the clock and it said 6:30 I still felt exhausted so I fell back asleep. The next time I woke up it was 10:30 and Ashley was gone, I sat up in bed and checked my phone for any new messages from James or better yet my mom. I slowly got out off bed and walked to the window, I looked out down at the driveway and saw James' car on the street. I got very excited and bolted downstairs, I called Ashley's name

"Ash? Are you down here?" 

"Yeah I'm in the living room Jess." 

I ran around to the living room and it was true James was here. " Babe you are here!" 

I ran up to him and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. Don't even ask why I was so excited. Do you even remember what happened yesterday? 

"Yeah I wanted to come and hang with you guys Luke left for Paris so I really don't have anyone else to hang with plus I missed you." 

"I missed you too, but I want to say this I don't want to make Ashley feel left out because Luke isn't here so we will have to tone down the PDA a little for a while babe, sorry." 

"Oh no that's fine I totally respect that."

"You guys don't have to not be affectionate towards each other because Luke isn't here. I think I put Jess through my far share of PDA overload before you guys found each other again, if that's appropriate to say." 

"Yeah that's fine to say we did find each other again. Happiest day ever!" 

 "Umm so is meeting me not on the happiest days ever list anymore?" 

"No it is,here it's one of the happiest days ever. Better?" 

"Yes thank you." 

" So what do you guys want to do today?" 

"I don't know want to go see a movie or go to the mall or out to lunch and to the park or something?" 

"I'd like to go see a movie." 

"Alright what movie ?" 

"To be honest with all of you I kinda want to go see Monsters University." Ash and I both looked at him like what? 

"I know I know but Monsters INC. was a big part of my childhood and I would like to see what happened when they went to collage. Don't you?" 

"Yeah I would I don't think your crazy, I think it looks cute. I'll see it." 

"That leaves you Ashley any other movie you want to throw on the table?" 

"No I'm open for anything. Monsters U it is." 

Ashley and I spent the next half hour tidying her room eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. We both came back downstairs and met James in the kitchen.

 "The movie won't be until four so we had time to kill. Anything you want to do in the mean time?"

"I vouch we go someplace in which no money is spent or a place where we won't really want to spend money since I will be spending God knows what at the movies tonight." 

"Okay we can think of something while we drive. Hey Ash where are you parents?" 

"They were going out with some friends today to see an indoor show, kind of like mid evil times theater but not mid evil times themed. Basically something about women back in the 1800s. Along the lines of Downton Abby and what not. They will be gone all day."

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