To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter four
*blake lively is her mother, because why the hell not! She is a freaking goddess* 

Jessica's POV:

A few hours later I woke up and I had a splitting headache, anytime that I tried to look up at the ceiling it was very painful.  Ashley was there with me on the couch. 

" You woke up in a frenzy, sort of like you where scared. Are you ok?"
" Yeah I'm fine, just had a dream about a Christmas with my mom."
"Oh was it bad?"
"No, it was good she gave me a gift. And I was very happy. It was a new Barbie and the nutcracker doll."
"That's sweet."
"Yeah did we hear anything about her yet?" Ashley then looked down, I felt the anger bubble up inside of me that was the same reaction my father gave me when I asked him this question.
"Ashley please, please don't you do this to me too. I just want to know the answer? Is she okay?"
Ashley then looked up but not at me. I tried to figure out what her facial expression, but I couldn't. Than she turned her head and she had a slight smile on her face.
"Ash why are you smiling?"
"Jess she woke up."
I then got scared like was she joking.
"What, What are you talking about she woke up? Are you serious?!"
Ashley nods her head. At that point I started to cry, but this time not tears of anger, or sadness, tears of joy.
"Ashley tell me that you are not lying to me."
"Jess I promise you I'm not, the doctors are working on her heart monitor now they are in her room next door to your father's."
"Does my dad know?"
"Uh yeah he knew for a long time."
That sentence made me look at her in disbelief. "What?"
"Yeah he had known since yesterday morning." I gritted my teeth I was so mad at him, he knew I was worried about her, but still he made me sick with worry by not answering my questions about her today.
"I can't believe him. He knew that I was worried about her and he still decided not to tell me that she had woken up?"
"He seemed angry that you asked and said some things that shocked me."
"Like what?"
"Uh.... well...."
I could see that Ashley didn't want to tell me all he said to her earlier so she didn't respond to that statement, instead she stood up and took my hand.
"Come on the doctor just waved us we can go and see your mom."
I stood up and took her hand, we walked to my moms room, I opened the door and I stood there the tears welling up in my eyes.

I saw my mom sitting up, awake. I saw her beauty, her long blonde hair lying down at her waist and cheeks rosy red and her eyes an ocean blue. She heard me come in and she looked at me, I couldn't control it I ran up to the side of her bed and cried.
"Mom I was so worried about you, I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up."
She took her hand and ran her fingers through my hair and pulled the hair back out of my eyes, so my hair wouldn't get soaked with my tears. " Honey, don't cry, I told God please don't take me away from my daughter she still needs me she is still growing. And he answered my plea and now I'm here with you."
That just made me cry harder, more tears of joy. My mom was here, she woke up.
"When did the doctors say you can come home?"
I began to stand up and wipe my face.
"Tomorrow. They just want to do some more tests on me to make sure my vitals are stable." " I love you mom."
"I love you too honey. How is your father doing?"
I knew that she would ask me that, and I knew that I would have to answer.
"He's fine. He has to get surgery on his leg. some veins were torn when the bone broke and they want to close them up."
"Oh wow, that sounds serious."
"Yeah it is, but he'll be fine."
I was hesitant to tell her that he refused to tell me that she had woken up early yesterday morning. But I didn't, it was necessary for her to know every single bad thing that happened in mine and my fathers relationship and honestly even though I love my mother much more than the man I have to call dad we do clash on the topic of mine and his relationship.
"Hey Ash are you hungry? I kinda am."
"Uh yeah want to get something I'll pay."
"Mom is that okay? Do you want me to come back and visit you after we finish eating?"
"No honey it's okay you'll see me tomorrow morning."
I walked up to the side of her bed and softly gave her a hug, I felt her kiss the top of my head.
"Ok. I love you mom."
" I love you too. See you tomorrow morning."
"Okay. Bye."
Ashley and I left her room and walked out to Ashley's car and went to eat. I couldn't stop smiling I was so happy that my mom had woken up I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow morning and have her at home again.

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