To Believe In The Impossible

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James POV:
I had gotten to Jess's house, she wasn't home yet. I sat in her front porch and waited for her. I went through everything that happened I was so mad. That man thinks he has any control over me. He has no control over me I am eighteen I don't have to listen to him or live with him. I will live with Jess and look for a place of my own. I am not his puppet. He can't just make me feel like shit whenever he feels like it. I am not his punching bag. He can't just decide that he is going to hit me when he's mad.

I was so mad. I was done with him and done living in fear. I saw Jess pull up in a new red BMW. Wow where did she get that? Whatever I have more important things to talk about.

I saw Jess get out of her car and run up to me.

"Baby what are you doing here?! I missed you!"

She hugged me . She pulled away and looked into my eyes. She knew something was wrong.

"Babe what's wrong? Are you okay?

"No. I can't do it anymore. I need to get out of that house. Out from under his reign of terror. I need to move in with you."

Jessica's POV:

I couldn't believe what I just heard. James has to move in with me?
I mean I'm all for sharing my house with my boyfriend. But how will my mom feel? How long will he be here. All of these questions were swirling threw my head.
"Okay first tell me what exactly happened?"
"He is just a horrible man babe. He started to hit me whenever he got mad. He's been getting drunk a lot, and bringing his trophy girlfriend into the house and forcing me to treat her as my mom. I haven't been aloud to leave the house in two weeks. Because I'm grounded for back talk. Its insane I can't handle it anymore I need to get out of that house."

"Okay. I understand. Did you bring anything with you or did you just up and leave?"
"I just up and left. Babe I just wanted out of there. I didn't think about what would happen afterwards. I walked with no place in mind and then I ended up here at your house."

"Wow okay. Well we will have to go back at some point to get your clothes. For the meantime you can stay with us."

"Thank you so much babe. I promise I'll be looking for a place while I'm here. It won't be a move in to your living room for months thing. Promise."

"Babe you can stay how ever long you need to."

We kissed and he hugged me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Come on let's go inside. I have a big surprise for you tomorrow."

"Oh right. I forgot about that."

We both went inside and I started a fire. We began watching movies and snuggled together. Later that night my mom came back from her shift to find me and James asleep on the couch with the credits to elf rolling on the tv.

The next morning. I woke up and I realized I was in my bed. James was no where to be found. I got up and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw James and my mom sitting at the island and talking. There was this huge breakfast spread. Waffles, pancakes, sausage, eggs, toast, locks, bagels, juice, and so on. I was wondering what was going on.

"Good morning babe."

"Good morning. What's going on, what's with this huge breakfast?"

"We have a surprise for you."

"Oh. What could that be?"

"Do you remember that boy that lived with us for a few years when you were around six?"

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