To Believe In The Impossible

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Chapter Three

Jessica's POV:

Ashley and I arrived at the hospital and I went to the front desk to ask if I could go and visit my father.
"Hello my name is Jessica white my father Adam and mother Claire are here at this hospital. I was wondering if I could go in to talk to my father."
"Yes you may go in and visit he should be watching tv"
" Thank you"
Ashley and I knocked on my fathers door.

" Come in"
I opened the door and walked in
" Hi, Ash drove me over and she wanted to see how you were doing. I just told her about the accident today." 

"Oh that's fine. Hi Ashley how are you doing"

"I'm doing fine sir, how about you?"

"Oh well my leg hurts but what are you gonna do. I have to get minor surgery on it just to close up some valves that were torn when my bone split."

"Oh ouch that sounds very painful."

"Well it did at first but they gave me an X-ray and showed me what really needed surgery and the damage. Then it all turned out not to be so bad."

"Well that's good, I'm glad to here that"

"So dad how is mom doing, did she show any signs of improvement?"

My father didn't answer. Instead he looked away and stared out the window as if searching for an answer he thought that I would want to hear.

"Dad? Is there something that you need to tell me about my mother?"

Again he still didn't answer. At that point I was beginning to get infuriated, confused and upset. I felt the tears coming because at this point I could only think of the worse. My mom never woke up, her heart stopped beating and she died and now my father has to figure out a way to tell me, and let me down easily. I then asked my father again with a little edge to my voice this time in frustration.

"Dad you need to answer me now, this is not something that you just shut down and don't answer me. I need you to tell me about my mother is she okay?"

Again he didn't give me an answer. He wouldn't even look at me, I got so mad I stormed out of the room crying.

Ashley's POV: 

I went to go after Jess, but I've known her for long enough to just let her go. I'll check on her in a little bit. 

"If I may ask sir why didn't you answer Jess' question about her mother?"

"Because she asks me all the damn time. How would I know how she is, that's what the doctors are for! If Jess wants to know about her mother she can go to the doctor and find out. I'm not an answer machine.

I never saw this side of Jess' father before. He was being a horrible greedy person. His poor daughter just wanting to know something about her mother and he refused to tell her because he doesn't think of himself as an answer machine?

"Do you even know anything about her mother?"

"Yes she woke up yesterday morning they've been monitoring her heart to make sure she is stable."

"And you couldn't tell Jess that why?"

"Because I'm not an answering machine, and I'm not the doctor! I told you if she wants information on her mother she can figure it out herself!"

"But she is your daughter don't you think....."

"She's not my daughter as far as I'm concerned, I can't stand her. I never wanted her mother to keep her anyway but her mother insisted. For years I went along pretending that I cared, I never cared about her and I still don't to this day."

Wait what? Did he just say he can't stand his daughter and doesn't even care about her?

"What? I don't think I heard you correctly" 

"Then open your ears and listen, I said I can't stand her and I don't care about her. I never wanted to be a father, but her mother wanted to keep her so we did. All of her mothers attention went to the baby and none of it went to me. My "daughter" took my wife away made her think only of herself as if I wasn't even there. She became the center of attention and I hated it."

I couldn't even believe what I was hearing! Jess' father is the most self centered unappreciative person I have ever met. I didn't say anything back to him. He was awful he was sickening. I got up an went to find Jess.

Jess POV:
I sat down on the chairs out in the waiting room. I heard the sounds of babies crying in the infirmary and the sounds of people in pain and those suffering. It made my heart ache to not know what was going on with my mother. I threw my head into my arms and began to cry so hard I exhausted myself. I lied down on the couch and fell asleep and began having a flashback to when I was a little girl on Christmas with my mom. I was opening presents with the look of pure joy and happiness,on my face as I opened a narrow box and found a new barbie and the nutcracker doll.

" I saw this at the store" my mom said "I immediately knew that you would want it that it would complete your set." 

" Thank you mommy I love her she is gorgeous!" I said as I held Barbie up in her pink night gown holding her nutcracker doll in her hand. " I will keep this forever on my shelf in a safe place." I walked up and gave my mother a big hug.

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