To Believe in the Impossible

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Chapter 20
I just want to be with you.

* Hey guys. So I just wanted to tell you. If you've read up to this point you would know that Jess and James are engaged. I have not forgotten. Jess will have the dream wedding of her life I promise. All of this stuff has been happening with James father I obliviously couldn't have them get married in all of that commotion. James testified against him in court and he was put away for life, we are fast forwarding a few months after that I'm going to get them back on track and have them start thinking about it and talking about it. The wedding will be soon enough*

Jess POV:
I woke up the next morning. James father finally got what he deserved yesterday and he is in jail for life. Finally James can go about his day without his psychotic father  over his head. For once we could just be young wild and free. I got up out of my bed and got in the shower. I felt like I wanted to dress up and look cute. I went into my closet and grabbed my black ripped skinny jeans and a flower crop top and a beige cardigan. I grabbed my red converse. I threw my hair up into a messy bun with a braid. I put on minimal foundation and some eyeliner and mascara.

I finished getting ready I grabbed my phone and texted Ashley.

Hey hey wake up! Just wondering what's going on. Text me and tell me if you want to do something.

I got up off my bed and walked into James room. I walked over to the side of his bed. He was still sound asleep. I had to take all I could to be so quiet. I just could stay here all day and just look at him. Even when he is sleeping he is hot. Like what the hell That's not okay. Anyway I knelt down by the side of his bed.

"Babe? James?"

Compete silence. Damn he was a deep sleeper. I tapped him lightly and continued to call his name.

"Babe please wake up. I know you can hear me."

"Yes babe I can hear you. I'm just really tired."

"I know. I hated to wake you up. I wanted to just watch you sleep. "

"Well that would have been a little weird."

"I'm your girlfriend I came in a package one of my talents was being weird. You signed up for it when you took me back."

"First off I love every part of your wired. Second I never wanted to leave you to being with. We just picked up where we left off."

I smiled he was right, it wasn't his choice to leave and it was like he never did when he came back "True. Well would you be into getting up now so we can do something today?"

"I have an idea?"

"What is your idea?"

"I think we should do wedding planning."

"Oh my god! Don't hate me!"

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him 

"I kind of forgot we were engaged to be honest."

"Why would I hate you for that? Obviously there has been a lot going on since the engagement. I wouldn't have expected you to remember."

"Oh okay good. Well then yes, I would love to do wedding stuff."

I felt my phone buzz and it was Ashley.

Hey, I don't really care if you want to do something we can. Luke is hanging out with his cousins today.

Okay. Did you remember that James and I were engaged? Yeah well me neither. Do you want to go look at dresses with me later?

Oh my god! I completely forgot that! Absolutely I want to go! Just text me a time.

James and I are going out now. Probably around 2:00 we can meet up. I'm sure James will be tired and be ready to go back home by then.

Alright doll, love you see you later.

Love you too, see ya.

"Alright babe are you ready to go?"
"Yes, I am ready to go. I'm very excited and I can't explain why."
"Probably because we are officially on the wedding track. We have a lot of planning to do."
"Oh my God, I know. Hey don't worry. I'll keep it simple and less costly."
"Babe it's your special day. Besides I got my fathers money. Since he's been put away for life he won't need it for bail or anything for that matter. So basically his fortune is mine. "
"Oh yeah right that's so exciting. Well then I take that back. I'll be a little costly."
"Be as costly as you would like. As long as I'm alive and his company still runs and makes money everything will be fine."
"Great I'm so excited to plan this wedding. There's so much to do! Let's go."

James and I got up and left to go the store. We talked to a wedding planner we chose our destination which is Hawaii. We did cake testing and chose a three tier cake. We went and creates our wedding invitations and James left to go and mail them out. Ashley met up with me later at the wedding dress store and we looked around.

"Hello ladies can I help you with anything?"
"Yes hi, My name is Jessica White I'm looking for a wedding dress that is simple but still makes a statement."
"I know the perfect set of dresses for you. I'll be right back let me go grab them."

" I'm so excited for your wedding Jess you have no idea. I can't believe it my best friend is getting married to a guy she met in sixth grade. Like that's true love right there."
" I know I can't believe it either. This is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a very long time."
" I know girl you deserve every bit of this. You've just been fighting for happiness and you got a hold of it and now you have to ride with it. You're getting married and you will hopefully have a family and you and James will be happier than ever."

"Okay so I have these five dresses for you to try on. If you'd like to follow me to the dressing rooms we can begin."

I went back to the dressing room and tried on all the dresses. The last one I tried on was the dress that I was looking for. It was perfect. I guess you can say I have a luck with dresses. So I said yes to the dress and we purchased it.

"Ash can you keep it at your house? I don't want James snooping around if I leave it at mine."
"Of course absolutely. I'm so happy this is so exciting. Girl you are getting married!"
"I know I would have never thought this would be happening. I can't believe it is and I'm so happy."
"You should be. You are getting the life that you've always wanted. You deserve every by of happiness Jess."
"Thank you."

Ashley was right. I did deserve this happiness. I think everyone deserves their happiness at some point in their life. Mine just happened to come all at once. I couldn't be more happy. The next couple of months will be the greatest months ever. I get to plan my wedding and than I get to get married. Nothing could top that. I'm so excited for the next part of my life to unfold. I just hope that there are no more surprises.

Hey guys! Okay so I'm so sorry I know that this chapter was not good at all. I was really just trying to figure out how to bring it down and begin to focus on the wedding chapters. The wedding chapters are coming up next and than the book is over. I'm not sure if I'll make another book based off of this story. I might release some chapters about like and Ashley and maybe give a chapter about Jess's mom. I'm not sure yet, if I do I'll post a message about it on my wall . Thank you however to the people that have read my story. This was my first ever story and I do have to say I am proud of it. A lot of chapters weren't written well because I was still trying to find my way of writing. I do hope you did enjoy it. Wedding chapters are next and than the book will be completed. If you do want to see another book or added chapters of the other characters story lines message me and let me know. Anyway I appreciate all of the reads I have gotten. Thank you again.


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