Chapter 31:Epilogue..Everyone Always Gets An Happy Ending..

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Chapter 31:Epilogue..Everyone Always Gets An Happy Ending,"Unless You Get Murdered!"Mike!

"I kind of got used to the drama.."I whispered truthfully in Cameron's arms.

Michael and Beth sighed in agreement as Cam stoked a strand of hair out the way sending little tingles in my body.

"The drama will never stop as long as we are werewolfs,especially little miss power over there"Mike pointed his finger at me and moved it around in little circles.

"Hey!"I moaned and Cams chests started vibrating as he laughed,that amazing sound still sent shivers down my back.

"Vincents in jail for kidnapping,You two have an happily ever after,Me and Mike are amazing..Mr and Mrs Fitz love you two!What could go wrong?"Beth smiled out as her blue eyes shone bright.

A wide smile placed on my lips but I had to correct her on something first.

"Mr Fitz is still getting used to me actually!But I know that deep deep..deep down he doesn't mind me with his incredibly handsome son"

My whole body starting exploding with fireworks as I felt Cam's soft lips touch my forehead,it was gentle but held so much love..

But my heart was still aching from the weight in my stomach,i can't keep this in any longer.

Then don't!

No I have to..

"But but but but!!You have to meet all the pack first"Mike shouted quickly In excitement and I froze.

"T-t-the pack?Why would they want to meet me?"I asked in fear.

"You're the Luna..its kind of a big deal"Beth laughed out and I laughed at how she sounded.You see me and Beth have the weirdest laughs you could imagine.If anyone laughs I'll have to join in.

"Tomorrow okay beautiful?"Cam whispered and I immediately shook my head.

"No,today..i h-have some news"I stuttered nervously but quickly got rid of it with a smile so they wouldn't expect anything.


"Don't you dare even lift a finger"Beth warned in a threatening tone as she slapped away my hand from my closet.

I sniffled back a laugh whilst she ran around all the room with her wolf abilities and came back Infront of my sight in a short moment,with some black and white heels, hair equipment and some makeup.

I opened my mouth to argue but she looked at me like she was my mother.

Huffing,i bounced back down on my bed when Beth's eyes widened bigger than id ever seen them.

"What in the world are you doing!?"She screeched with her mouth left hanging.

What did I do?

"Ermm- What?..S-sitting?"I mumbled out,confused.

"MORE LIKE HURT-Oh shoot sorry..i mean more like hurting!"Her whisper shouting only resulted in her spit flying towards my face.

I knitted my eyebrows together before she cut me off again.

"Now shut that pretty mouth of yours and just sit there whilst I get you your outfit"Beth spoke seriously and I obeyed her orders.

"Okay miss bossy pants"Answering under my breathe,she turned around from my closet and gave me a death glare.

"MICHAEL!"I shouted,laughing as I knew she would give me a full on makeover.

"Aqua!Thats not fair!"She shrieked and in a split second she ran towards me and I was wearing a white simple dress just before the door burst open.

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