Chapter 23:Shits Going Down Stay Away

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I suddenly became more energetic,adrenaline pumping in my system every second of the hour.

The more I ran the more freedom I felt within a certain someone was inside of me and made me feel this way.

I noticed my pupils had gotten more dilated but unlike Cameron's they decided to stay that way,i felt more and more possessive of him and the strong bond surely had gotten thicker it definitely had a much greater build than what I had never felt before for my mate before.

I couldn't get enough of his rich scent,them sparkling eyes and him..all of him.

He's yours and just yours!

See what I mean..what the hell Is wrong with me?

How many times do I have to go through this with you?Are you that indenial!Im your inner wolf,idiot!

I think I would know if I've got a wolf inside of me!Plus I'm not even a wolf you pysco!I haven't been bitte- oh shit.But Cameron would of told me if by marking me I turn into a wolf right?

Seriously?You're me!Im you!You can't get away From m-

Watch me.

Wow now you're talking to yourself,oh joy.

"Baby slow down"Cameron's husky voice came from behind me as he flew past me when I turned around to look.

"Oh it's on!"I smiled out and it was like my legs were going at the speed of light as I didn't even see trees all I was seeing were blurs.

I could see a brief outline of a tree an I was heading towards it.

Oh shit how to I stop?Wheres my god damn brakes!!

"Cameron!"I shouted as panic hit me hard.

"I'm here.."He whispered as I crashed into his arms and I kept my eyes closed to catch some sense.

"I-I couldn't stop.."I breathed out.

He was just staring at me I could feel them hazels burning into me.

He didn't reply and I opened my eyes.

He was just frozen and in that position I thought he would be in,my eyes didn't leave his and his never left me.

"A-a-am I turning into a werewolf?"I asked him even though I couldn't get my words out any more than a whisper.

"Yes you are.."He finally spoke making my heart lighter in a way.

Ha.Told you told you I was right in your faceeee!

Oh shut up you dweeb.Okay Aqua actually stop it,do this another time.

"I-I'm sorry I should of tol-ld yo-"Cameron started but I grabbed his shirt in my Palm and pulled him closer to me till I was kissing him.

He tasted like waffles from this morning hotel breakfast along with strawberries.

"You taste so good"Cam mumbled against my lips and I smiled as I joined our lips once more,moving it in sync.

"Okay okay cut it out love birds,and here's me thinking I could go out for a morning walk through the woods.."My mum mumbled from behind me and I noticed we had ran till we were actually home.

Oh my god Aqua you actually called it home.

Oh my god I did.

Cameron chuckled as we pulled away from each other but he enter wined our fingers together and my mum tutted till we went past her laughing.

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