Chapter 1:Stood Up

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Not edited sorry for the mistakes it's late and you guys looked forward to the first chapter of my new book so here it is:)<3

"You look beautiful!"My sister shrieked as I came out of my room wearing a beautiful black dress that was strapless and frilly below the waist.

My sister,Liv's eyes widened as she looked at my shoes.

"No"I answered shortly before she even asked the question I knew she was going to say.

"Seriously Aqua!Converse!Why not heels?!"Liv screeched as she held a pair of dark red heels that went with my slightly but not too much curled black hair that I always but to one side and my light red lipstick.

"Just no"I said holding in my laugh and trying to sound demanding.

"Aqua!"She moaned and gave me a death glare.

"Liv!"I said in the same tone and she was about to throw a fit I could see it in her eyes.

"FINE!"I shouted and did a slow long dramatic sigh.

"Hey your going to miss me when I go back to Boston..which is when you leave for your incredibly hot blind date!"Liv screeched in joy and hugged me tight.

"Yeah yeah probobaly not,but hey hoe right!And how do you know he's attractive or even handsome?"I said in a duh tone.

"First of all yes you are and second of all...ermm...guess?"She questioned.

I rolled my eyes at her and gave her another big hug before I walked out of her apartment which she had rented before.

"I love you take care"I said whilst shooting her a wink.

"I will love you too A!"She shouted down the hall.

I didn't really want to go on a blind date with a guy I didn't know,you know peodo's,perverts..anyone could appear!

I called the taxi and he drove me to Luigi's as I stepped out trying not to trip in these hell of shoes and looked down to see they did wonders for my legs...but then again so did my converse.

"Hello ma'am table for two?"The guy asked me at the front and shot me a flirty smile.

No I want a table for a pack of elephants!-Note the sarcasm.

Okay this is not me I'm just a very easy to love as a person.

Aqua deep breathes,why are you so nervous anyway?!

"Yes please just tell the guy I'm the blind date"I said politely whilst fiddling with my iphone in my hands by clicking the lock button on and off again.I shot him a smile whilst he led me to it.

He was meant to be here by 8...

I took a sip from the water and waited patiently.

Another sip.

And another.

And another.

I picked up my glass again and realised the water had all gone.

I hovered my fingers over the lock button and then just clicked it.


Are you fucking kidding me?How rude!This guy is such a dooche Bag.

The waiter came over and gave me a apologetic smile and I gave him one back that said 'it's okay but I wasted my time'He chuckled.

"As much as I enjoy your looks and you enjoy mine do you want anything to eat?You shouldn't waste a good space in this restaurant for a jerk"He whispered whilst refilling my glass of water.

"I know I shouldn't..whats good?"I questioned him and his green eyes pierced through mine.

"Don't you want salad?"He asked looking at me confused.

"Who said anything about salad?"I wriggled my nose in disguist and I did a childish face.

"I thought gir-"He cut himself off realising how incredibly sexist that was.

I chuckled.

"Is there any burgers or chips on the menu?"

"Yeah of course"

"Well in that case i'll have two burgers and some chips please"I said politely and he looked at me wide eyed.

"You don't look like a girl to eat that all"He mumbled as a compliment and walked off with my order.

My phone vibrated and I got it out in a swift movement.

Liv:Blind date messaged saying he's sorry he can't come he's ill...what a excuse huh?Sorry Hun😔😘

Me:Ekh he sounded like a jerk anyways,ill my foot!He probobaly went to a casino to gamble with his money he got from selling his only house,It's okay sis don't worry I'm having a burger to settle my stomachs cry for help😂😊

My order came and I smiled widely with my tongue sticking out the corner of my mouth.

I was about to dig in when I saw a very attractive man burning holes in me.He stood far from my table but not too far that I could see his features clearly.

His silky black hair was ruffled in a way it looked natural and his hazel brown eyes were shining bright that made his sharp jaw clear to see.His perfectly rounded dimples were showing off his pearly whites and the shirt he was wearing showed off his six pack.

Oh wait...he was smiling at me that's why I could see his dimples.

Shit Aqua you probobaly just looked like a total idiot!

He didn't give me a flirty or outgoing smiles he have me a smile that warmed my heart and it looked like it was genuine.

I broke eye contact and mentally face palmed myself then went back to trying to eat my food.

From my eye I swear his footsteps come closer so I lifted my head.

He wasn't far from my table infact he was near the empty chair opposite me.I looked at him confused at what he was actually doing and he tried to hide his emotions from his face I could see the struggle.For some reason he looked troubled or hurt but it soon faded like he was a VIPs bodyguard.

I scanned his body and then it hit me like a iron board that made contact with my face.

He had a gun pointing down in his hand.

Panic striked every corner of my sweating body.


What do you think of my new book then?Im still writing the other one too so don't panic:)

Thankyou for all the support and lovee,please Vote,Comment,Fan&Enjoy;)

Stay Smiling<3xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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