Chapter 12:Explosive brain

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I felt my body wake up with a bunch of fireworks exploding in my body as it heated up whilst I was still half asleep.

Someone started leaving a hot trail down my cheek whilst there strong arm engulfed me more into him.It made me want to tackle them on the bed till they stopped and kiss the peanuts out of him.

But obviously I'm too lazy to do that at..i squinted my eyes open as my vision was blurry but soon regained it's quality as the time shone before me on the bedside.


So obviously I'm too lazy to do that at 5:35.


"Can't you let me sleep.."I mumbled sleepily whilst he carried on kissing my jawline.

I swear to god I will straddle him.

"I couldn't get to sleep"He whispered huskily against it making my body caress with sparks.

"So you decide on annoying me!"I said jokely whilst turning around towards him as I noticed we were that close if I even wriggled my nose it would hit him.

"I'm too deprived in your beauty"

I smiled so wide my cheeks started hurting as I cupped one of his cheek.

He smiled down at me and looked into my eyes as I noticed he really didn't look like he slept at all but he looked so alive and refreshed.His bright eyes shone bright as his black ruffled hair made him look even more attractive..and you thought that wasn't possible.Oh shut up brain.

His lips were a bright pink colour and looked so damn tastable.I noticed I had been lost in his beauty of eyes and he had seen to be in mine.His eyes were slightly dilated as his pupils had gotten bigger. I don't know why but deep inside me it kinda scared me.Was there something wrong with his eyes?

"What's wrong with your eyes?"I spoke my mind and looked at him curiously.

His gaze averted mine and there was a short pause.

"Nothing"He replied shortly.


My brain is going to explode.

"Cameron please don't keep anything from just..tired...tired of searching for answers,answers I want to get but I know your not going to give them me..."I spoke sleepily as I yawned at the end.

I closed my eyes and turned back in the position I was before,my eyelids became heavier as my vision became blurry again.

'Tired'Thats a understatement.


I woke up with a cold empty feeling next to me as I snuggled up to the quilt even more for some warmth.

I opened my eyes feeling satisfied of the sleep I had gotten since I was woken up,the space next to me was empty and the time shone 9:08am.

Where's Cameron?

I jumped up from the comfy bed and put my feet on the pink carpet underneath me as the tv stared at me as I headed to my closet and picked out my outfit before heading to have a shower and brush my teeth.

I stripped down and let the warm water run down me before washing myself in a watermelon scent shampoo and a berry body wash.

I started humming to myself to Stereo Hearts By Maroon 5.

It's old but hey hoe..good songs will always stay good.

When I got out I decided to wear the peachy dress I had got from straddle bucket that was absolutely stunning before quickly running the razor over my legs.

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