Chapter 13:Oh God,Truth Hurts?You Got It All Wrong

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"Cameron.."I whispered against his lips as they brushed his gently whilst I spoke.

Currently I was pushed into a dark closet with no light what so ever and he held me so securely that I was pushed up right against him.

I really didn't know why but his heart was beating rapidly.

After that attack thing this is such a perfect way of making me more confused isn't it?

"Mmhh"He said so quietly that his hard chest vibrated making an attractive reaction come from him.He was staring into my eyes..i think.Its not my fault I couldn't see but this is not and I quote 'kissing me like there's no tomorrow'.

Something happened.Something happened whilst Cameron was carrying me in and I didn't know what it was.

"Why am I in here?"I spoke making abit of a gap between our lips so I wouldn't kiss them whilst I was trying to get answers.

I felt that smirk he gave me as he snaked his hand more tightly against my waist and made my chest thump into his again so we were the same distance that we were before,except I think he managed to make us closer.

God dammit!

His head leaned down as his lips were just above mine.

"They can still track your here they will lose it.."He whispered huskily and deeply as his minty breathe hovered my moist lips.Whilst he whispered,his lips were brushing against mine but moving more with them.

I put my hand between our chests as I pushed him away smiling.i heard him chuckle.

"Stop teasing me.."I stated and tutted at him.

"So you can,but I cant!"He moaned like a kid and pouted.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion knowing he couldn't see how funny I looked whilst doing that.

He started laughing.

My eyes widened.How can he see me?Its like pitch black!I can't even see were my own nose is...

"Cameron how many fingers am I holding up?"I asked and put two fingers in the air.

"One"He stated and relief flushed over me.

"One finger and a thumb"He added and I felt that smirk appear yet Again and could imagine it on his adorable face.

Shit shit shit shi-How?

He sniffled loudly before entwining our fingers together and dragging me back out.

"They're gone"He breathed out.

"Who are gone?"I asked him dumbfounded.

"Rogues"He stated firmly.

"I swear to fucking god if that frikking word comes out someone's mouth again and I still don't know what It means i'll go batshit crazing on you Cam!"I warned him and put my eyebrows right up my forehead.

He smirked at me and opened his mouth with daring eyes.

"TOP!"I shouted and covered his mouth with one finger.I didn't have time to pronounce the s I'm not superwomen.

I took my finger off his lips after a second and chanted 'dont'.

"Okay so as I was going to sa-"

"ROGUES!"Cameron shouted and tried pulling off an innocent face.

"Oh my fuck"I mumbled and turned around to show him how crazy I can go.

"Blood thirsty werewolves"He quietly added but I think I heard.Did i hear that correctly?

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