Chapter 19:Underneath Your Beautiful Lies A Loss Of Words

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The wind was going past me so rapidly I had even closed my eyes to stop them from watering.

I wrapped my arms around Cameron's neck so tightly but not that it hurt as his hands gripped my legs securely too whilst I was on his back and he was using his wolf powers to get us to the safe place.

In a split second he had stopped and I opened my eyes,pushing the hair out of my face so I could see..

God I have to get used to this.After all,its frikking amazing!

He put me down and I slid off his back looking at a big tree house on top of the trees in the woods and it was stunning..

It was quite big and was camouflaged with the nature standing beside us.The inside from what I could see had a fury carpet and bright coloured walls that would make me feel better about the destination.

I realised I was staring at it in awe and Cameron intertwined our fingers as we stepped inside the open door and heard clattering from the kitchen.

I squeezed Cams hand tighter and he smiled down at me.

"God you would think you damn boys would be able to clean up after your damn selfs by now!Oh yeah I'm just going to leave all the dishes in the sink and let the girls clean it up shall we!"Beth shouted annoyed from which I gathered,now,was the kitchen.

I started laughing and Beth came out in the main room thing and ran up to me,hugging me tightly.

"I thought I could smell you"She breathed out and I chuckled.

"By any chance did the boys leave you to do the washing up?"I asked her and she laughed.

"Yeah the little whores"She stated and hit Cameron upside the head.

"Hey what about Mick!"Cam moaned and she nodded.

"Oh right back kids"

I turned to look at Cam who was pouting.

"Did she just call us kids?"I laughed out and Cam frowned.

"She just hit me and you did nothing!"He stomped his foot childishly and I pouted like a kid.

"Aww I'm sorry Cam baby! Did it hurt?"I pinched his cheeks and said it in a baby tone trying hard not to laugh.

"Yes,yes it did"He said back and folded his arms,saying it in the same tone as I did.

"Here"I whispered and pecked his cheek softly and he smiled.

"That's not all I want from you"He whispered and turned his head so our lips locked.

"So Beth is hitting me and you two are kissing?!"Michael screeched and I smiled and pushed Cam away from me with my hands.

"Hey babe,just a tip if you want to interrupt..well..dont"Cam spoke and whacked him upside the head like Beth probably did to him.

Aw he's always the one that gets hit,bless him.

He started moaning and mumbled some random Mumbo jumbo.

"Oh and that's also for letting Aqua go by herself"Cam added and this time I moaned.

"Hey I saved you!"

At this for some reason Michael's expression became serious.

"Was it a rogue?"Mick asked sternly and I hated when everything was too serious and you could feel the tension and cut it straight with a knife.

"Yep it was,but everything's okay now right!?"I said trying to say positive and put a massive smile on my face.

No one said anything.I swear to god if they were talking to eachother through there damn heads again!

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