Chapter 11:A Girl Could Dream

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Song of the chapter is Perfect Two by Auburn🏃(Think I spelt the singer right😂💕)xoxoxoxoxoxo

"So am I..wait manorizer?"Cameron breathed out and his tone thick with a dumbfounded look that would be on his face right now.If only I could see it...if only I wasn't ease dropping because this is so rude...oh well this ism harming anyone!Im just a very curious person.I pressed my ear to the door hoping I didn't miss too much.

"Womenizer?Manorizer?Same thing!"Michael wined and I smiled to myself noticing the way they were such good friends.

"You should be grateful your pretty!"Cameron laughed out.

Their was a pause and I was on the edge of bursting out laughing.I bit my lower lip in hope I wouldn't get caught.

"Awww you think I'm prettyyyyy"He screeched happily and I was silently laughing making my eyes water a little

"Dude.."Cam said seriously,I paused for a second and slammed my ear further against the wooden solid and stuck my tongue out from the comer of my soft lips in hope I didn't miss a word.

"Obviousllyyyyyy!Id turn gay for you"That was it for me to laugh out loud but then I suddenly clamped my mouth shut with my hand and legged it to the living room as I sat on the sofa and picked the first thing up that came in my vision.

I heard the door open and my heart raced.

I picked up a newspaper and put it infront of my face to hide my stupidity.I fiddled with the first page of it as I had butter fingers and skipped 4 pages so it looked like I had been here all along.

I closed my eyes for about five seconds and prayed silently and mentally.

Please oh god do not make me face the embarrassment of knowing Cameron caught me easedropping and the smirk from appearing off his attractive as he- sorry getting off the point,but please!I won't ask for anything again...atleast not for one month?Hell I know it's rud-

Someone took the newspaper out my hand and I didn't dare open my eyes.So much for my 'once in two years'prayer that never comes true.

Hey hoe a girl can dream.

I started chewing on my bottom lip out of stupidity and they slipped there hand in mine and enter wined our fingers together as he jumped me up against him and pushed me against a hard surface which I gathered was the wall.

A finger tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and my heart jumped from the hot trail he left behind.Cameron.

His minty breathe hovered my cheek and I noticed his lips were near my ear.

"You do this often?"He whispered huskily In my ear making me flutter my eyes open ready to face my doom.Wow I am dramatic.

I decided to go with the 'I'm confused'look and tie it up with some words.

"Do what?"I said fake dumbfounded.

He looked like he was speaking with someone mentally and I raised an eyebrow.

"Easedrop.."He breathed out as his lips brushed my ear as he spoke making me chew on my lip further.

Oh shit.He's not going to buy it is he?I mentally face palmed myself.

He smiled slightly against it like he knew I didn't hear all his conversation,but why?

"Yep so your gonna have to deal with it Mr Kidnapper"I said confidently and shot him a wink as he gazed into my eyes.

"Please don't call me that beautiful"He whispered as he came closer to me.

The word made me smile and my body to go warm.'Beautiful'Every girl needs to be called that in the morning and before they go to sleep.

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