Chapter 21:And Lick You...

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I put on my red pencil dress that stopped a teeny bit above my knees as I slipped the black heels on that I didn't even want to wear but I wanted to be Atleast as tall as his eyes.

I straightened my hair and put it to the side as I applied some mascara and red lipstick.

The dress complimented my curves and figure perfectly and I was so excited for this evening i was practically holding my hand down so I wouldn't end up drawing all over my face.

I walked downstairs and and left my neck and arms free of any jewellery except for the simple silver thumb ring my mum had gave me before she left this place.

I smiled thinking of her but had to stop the home sick feeling and my watery eyes.

"Mic!Beth!Im going have fun and use protection!"I joked goodbye and had no reply.

"Wow someone's eager"I mumbled to myself as I walked outside where I was meant to meet Cam.

"Cam?"I asked confused and heard a sexy growl from behind me.


"You know as much as it flatters me that you're checking me out I want to take this dear time to remind you that indeed I'm all yours"I smiled out as I turned around but darkness covered my eyes.

"OH DEAR LORD IM BLINDDD!!!"I shouted and Cam chuckled which made me relax.

"It's a blindfold beautiful"He whispered in my ear and my heart melted.

"No wonder they call it b-l-I-n-d fold"I mumbled and he picked me up causing me to gasp by surprise and he placed a soft kiss of my forehead before placing me in the car.

"I'm not getting kidnapped again am i?!"I screeched jokely.

"Yep but this time I'm not letting you think I'm part of a mafia..and now,Aqua Summers I need you to relax and enjoy the ride"Cam spoke sweetly and gently like a gentleman and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I hate darkness..i hate not knowing where I'm frikking going!"I pouted and I traced my fingers over the radio button and Cam ever so slightly placed it on the correct buttons so I could pick a music station.


I moaned still in the car,how long was this place?Butterflies were taken over my belly and I couldn't think straight.

"I can't wait to see your face.."Cameron spoke out evilly and I cursed the blindfold under my breathe.

"I can't wait to murder you"I replied in the same tone and started laughing.

"And kiss you.."I added.

"And feel you.."I then added smiling to myself.

"And lick you"I laughed out and licked my lips.

I do this when I'm bored.

He started laughing too and I really wanted to take this damn thing off to see him smiling again.

"I wish you were bored everyday so I could get you to lick me.."He whispered in my ear and I used my hand to hit his chest.

I didn't get a reation from him.

"Do you read my mind?"I asked him and I could tell he had a smirk on his face.

"Dick face"I mumbled and he carried on kissing my jawline just to annoy me because I couldn't see where he was or his face.

"Get back to frikking driving mr!"I huffed and moved my head in hope he did.

"We're here"He whispered.

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