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⌜ chapter five ⌟

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Kaz walks into his living quarters and he sees Arya standing in front of the painting she was looking at before. "You seem rather interested in the Fold." He says as he shuts the door behind.

"Well, you said that so much as entering it is certain death, and yet you're hellbent on crossing it." She says as he moves past her so that he can get into his safe. "I like to contemplate before I willingly put my life on the line."

"Considering finding someone else to help you get home?" He asks, and she can hear him hurrying as he gets what he needs together.

"No. You're making a plan to get across, I'm trying to think of ways to make sure we survive while we're inside." She tells him as he lowers the other painting so that it's covering the safe again. "I don't like to go into things without a plan." She explains, turning to face him as he rounds the desk again.

Kaz's steps falter when he looks at the brunette, seeing the new outfit that she's wearing as her dark hair falls in waves over her shoulders. She's wearing a black corset with gold and silver sequins over the dark blue blouse, and she has a black skirt as well. There's a slit up her leg, but he can't currently see her skin underneath.

"Would you believe that this is the most...tame outfit that Poppy owns?" Arya asks as she looks up at him.

"I would, yes."

"She said I can keep it, since you're not supposed to go on Pekka's turf."

"That was nice of her." He says as looks back to her face, now noticing the bit of makeup she's wearing as well as the hair that's been cut. She now has bangs over her forehead, which she's brushed to the side. He's certain that Poppy insisted and refused to take no as an answer.

"I despise this part." Arya says as her fingers graze the black material. "I definitely did not miss the corsets. They make breathing damn near impossible...but I guess if I have to fit in." She looks back up at him then, and he notices that the green of her eyes looks more vibrant with the makeup to bring out the color.

"Won't hurt."

"Of course you think so. You don't have one squeezing your rib cage." She muses, a small smile playing at her lips. "But she promised that I'll still be able to fight if I need to. So rest assured, I can still protect you."

"Who says I need protecting?" He questions.

"You seem to have a new enemy around every corner. Something tells me you're not very good at making friends." She says, and she thinks she sees a bit of amusement behind the blue. "What do you have in the envelope?"

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