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⌜ chapter twelve ⌟

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"Enjoy the next three days." Jesper winks as he looks down at Arya, and she shakes her head at him.

"You're a child."

"You can't lie to me, Arya. I know what I see."

"Well, at least you've never seen me making kissy faces at myself in a mirror." She says, and his eyes narrow. "Never seen me kiss my gun."

"I was putting on a performance." He argues, and she nods. "Shut up."

"I'm sorry, Inej." Arya says as she and Kaz walk over to the two of them.

"Why?" The Suli girl's eyebrows furrow.

"Because you're stuck with him for the next few days." She nudges Jesper when he wraps his arm around her shoulders.

"When did you get so mean?" He questions, and Inej chuckles at the amused look on Arya's face.

"You're sure you'll be alright without me?" Inej asks, and she nods.

"Yeah, it isn't as bad anymore. Mostly healed; it's more sore than anything, I think." Arya tells her, and she seems more willing to let her stay behind while she, Jesper, and Arken travel with the performers for the fete.

It's not long before they're gone, and Arya turns to look at Kaz. "And then there were two." She says, and he looks down at her. "Any ideas for how we're getting there?"

"I'll come up with something." He says, and she nods as she looks past him, back toward the pub.

She smiles when something catches her eye, and then she looks back up at Kaz. "Hold that thought." The brunette then moves past him, walking over to a man that just exited the pub.

Kaz turns and watches her as she walks away from him, having no idea where she's going or what she's doing. He sees her stop in front of a man who appears old enough to be her father, and she smiles as she talks to him. Kaz's grip on his cane tightens when Arya reaches out and touches the man's arm as she nods, still smiling. He knows that she's flirting with the man, trying to get something from him, and the sight makes him angry.

A few minutes later, Arya leads the man back over to Kaz. "This is my friend that I was telling you about." She motions to the man dressed in all black before turning her full attention to Kaz. "This is Maxim. He's on his way to Os Alta as well; I told him how I made us miss our transport, and he says that he's happy to help." She tells him, a small smile on her face.

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