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⌜ chapter nine ⌟

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"Inej?" Arya pokes her head out of the bathroom, but instead of finding who she's looking for, she sees a shirtless Kaz going through his things. He looks over at her as he pulls his black button-up over his shoulders, and she looks away from him. "Sorry."

Kaz smirks when he sees the faint blush in her cheeks; he then starts doing up the buttons. "She isn't here." He tells her before she can close the door. She leaves it open a crack so that she can hear him, but she isn't looking into the main room anymore. "She left with Jesper."

"Left, as in...won't be back anytime soon?" She asks.

"She's keeping him focused so they can get his uniform for the heist. I don't want a repeat of what happened when he was getting the coal."

"Damn it." She sighs.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, and she looks back out to see that he's now in his black button-up and putting on his gloves.

"There's just something that she's been helping me with, but I can do it."

He looks back over toward the bathroom and sees that she's barely visible with her back to the door. "Do you need help?"

"Uh..." She hisses and then a low groan escapes her lips. "If you don't mind." She says, but the door's already opening as he walks into the small bathroom.

"What is it?"

"Um..." Arya sighs as she turns her head to the side, her back still to him. "The woman who shoved me through the rift — she did try to kill me before that. She stabbed me the day before, and left me for dead, but I knew how to treat it. I still have to clean the wound though, and check the stitches. I usually do it every night, and Inej has been helping me, but we didn't do it last night, and now it hurts more."

"I can treat a wound." He tells her. "Where is it?"

"My side... Under my dress."

"I didn't take you for the shy type." He says, and she takes a deep breath as she shakes her head, a small smile on her face as she looks down.

"Neither did I." She chuckles, then she looks over her shoulder and sees a smirk on his face as he looks at the floor. "In case you couldn't tell by Jesper's odd interrogation the other night, no man has ever seen my body."

Kaz looks back up then, his blue eyes meeting her green ones. "I'm only tending to a wound." He says, but he can see that she's still hesitant. "I promise not to make any inappropriate comments like Jesper." He tells her, and she smirks.

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