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⌜ chapter fourteen ⌟

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"A light show before the light show." Arya mutters after the Inferni members finish throwing around balls of fire.

Kaz scoffs from where he's standing just behind her, to her right. "They're probably the ones who are going to be putting on the show when the supposed Sun Summoner is up there as well." He whispers as Inej walks up behind them.

"You really don't think there's even a possibility that she's real?" She asks as she looks up at him.

"There's never been one before."

"Maybe, but..." She pauses, and he looks down at her. "You do realize that you're talking to someone who's standing in a world that she wasn't born in?" She asks, and his eyes travel her face for a moment.

"You see the chandelier in the center of the room?" He asks, and she looks up to find what he's talking about.


"It's reflective glass." He tells her, leaning closer to the brunette as he whispers. "You bounce the light into that, and people won't know whether it's coming or going." He says, and she looks back at him, surprised to find him standing so close again.

Just past him, Arya sees Inej walk away from them, and then her gaze returns to him. "Why do you seem so reluctant to believe she could be real?" She asks as she looks into his bright blue eyes.

"I don't believe what I can't see."

"You haven't seen my world, but you believe me." She reasons. "Don't you?" She asks, but Kaz doesn't answer; he simply continues to look into her eyes.

"Her name is Alina Starkov." A deep voice pulls Arya's attention away from Kaz, and she looks across the room to see a man dressed in all black standing on a small, raised stage. "And she will bring liberation to us all."

He then steps off of the stage, leaving a girl who looks no older than Arya standing up there alone. The man dressed in black raises his arms into the air before clapping his hands together, and then the entire room is enveloped in darkness.

"What the..." Arya mutters as she steps closer to Kaz, watching shadows creep along the walls and take over the entire room.

Kaz looks down at the brunette when her arm brushes against his; he can barely feel her through the sleeve of his uniform until she presses into his side. Light suddenly illuminates her face, and he can see confusion and uncertainty written there, causing him to look up to find the source of the light in the room.

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