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⌜ chapter two ⌟

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"I really appreciate new business." The Heartrender says as she walks behind Kaz. "But you've only paid for an hour of my time, and then I have to be back at the Orchid."

"The Orchid isn't safe tonight." He tells her. "Your life's in danger with this job. Make yourself scarce for a few days afterwards."

"Mr. Brekker, are you threatening me? Really?" She questions. "Even if I'm nice, my boss will call the stadwatch on you."

"It's not me you're in danger with." Kaz says as he turns around and looks at her. "It's Pekka Rollins."

"My boss would call the stadwatch on him as well."

"Not if he's dead." Arya mutters as her gaze turns up to the night sky, and Kaz looks at her for a moment before turning around starting for the gate at the end of the woods.

"Who are you lot?" A male voice asks.

"We're here to see Dreesen." Kaz tells him.

"You're not with Pekka's crew."

"And you're not in Pekka's pocket anymore if you don't owe him." He tosses him a small bag filled with coins, and it sails straight through the bars of the gate.

The man lets them onto the grounds, and the other four follow Kaz toward the front door. Arya glances around the property as she stays in step with Inej, a few paces behind the Heartrender.

Jesper speeds up to walk beside Kaz. "Hey, where'd you get that coin?" He asks him.

"Hey!" The man who let them into the gate yells from behind them. "One of these has a hole in it."

"Saints." He chuckles.

"Inside. Inside." Kaz rushes the girls along.

"Naughty, naughty boy." Arya chuckles as she passes him, following the others into the large house.

A different man escorts them through the house before opening a set of double doors. Their group is led by Kaz, with Inej and the Heartrender right behind him, and Arya and Jesper behind them.

"One look and I can tell. Criminals." Dreesen says as he looks at them. Jesper moves to the other side of Inej, and Arya walks up beside the Heartrender. "I'm not meeting anyone 'til midnight."

"We heard you needed a Heartrender." Kaz says as he looks at him.

"Hmm." He gets to his feet as his gaze turns to her. "Alright, she stays, the rest of you, out."

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