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⌜ chapter seventeen ⌟

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They had decided that getting some sleep would be a good idea before the day ahead; that's what they're meant to be doing now, but Arya couldn't sleep. She's standing by the open barn door, looking out at the night sky, and she can't get Crowley's voice out of her head.

"I'd reconsider staying with your friends, if I were you."

The brunette turns and looks at the three who are asleep on the ground, laying in different spots on the hay that's covering the barn floor.

"The people you love seem to die protecting you."

She knows that he was right. Whether it be because she's a Salvatore, a Winchester, or just cursed... It's hard to dispute. Her mother died when she was so young, Jo and Ellen are dead, she watched Sam's final moments, now Damon and Stefan are dead too. There's hardly anyone left, and the idea of losing her new friends... It'd be unbearable.

Taking a deep breath, Arya turns away from them and then leaves the barn. She can't say goodbye, they'll never let her go if they know. And she won't think about their reactions when they wake up in the morning to find her missing.

She still has one of Inej's knives, and the gun that she emptied into General Kirigan's kefta. No bullets, but she'll find some. She'll have to. She can make due for awhile. It won't be easy, but she knows how to survive on her own. This isn't the first time, and she's sure it won't be the last.

Arya's walking the rest of the night, and most of the following day until she finds a large campsite full of people. It looks like a camp for soldiers, which means she won't easily blend in, but she has no choice but to stop. Her leg feels like it's on fire, and she hasn't eaten in twenty-four hours. She hasn't slept either, but that last one definitely isn't a possibility any time soon.

Stealing a bit of food from an unobservant few isn't difficult, and then she keeps moving. She's passing behind a large tent when a familiar voice inside makes her stop dead in her tracks.

"How many times do I have to tell you people?" It's General Kirigan. "I'm a man of my word."

"And when does your word mean anything? Black Heretic." A male voice questions. "That's right, I know who you are. And whatever you have planned for Alina, she won't forgive you. And if you keep me alive I will hunt you down, and I will claim the bounty the old king put on your head."

A man who wants General Kirigan dead sounds like a good ally to Arya, especially after she hears a chain rattle. She finds a place nearby to hide, listening to pieces of their conversation. All she needs is an opening to get to the prisoner, that way she can see if he's as good an option for an ally as he sounds, and then she can make him a proposition before breaking him out of his chains.

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