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⌜ chapter seven ⌟

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"We're almost there." Arken says as he leads the way to their transport across the Fold. It's pitch black out, and the only light they have is coming from the torch in his hand.

"Where the hell is Jesper?" Kaz questions.

"You gave him money and then left him unsupervised." Arya says from where she's walking behind him. "Did you really expect him to be responsible?"

"Just a little further." Arken mutters.

"Landmines." Inej says when she sees a sign with a guy getting his leg blown off.

"I don't like explosives." Arya stops walking.

"We'll wait." Kaz calls as Arken passes the sign, and he turns back to look at them. The goat starts bleating, and the brunette crouches down to pet him.

"What?" Arken questions as she whispers to the goat that's connected to the leash in Kaz's hand.

"We'll follow the path that you carve."

"Oh, that sign — that was my idea to keep people away. Can't be too careful." He explains. "You're fine. Come on."

"Uh..." Arya looks at his retreating form as she stands up straight. "If we get blown up, I'm coming back and killing him." She says as Inej follows after him.

Kaz looks over at her, then he starts after them as well. She takes a deep breath before she starts walking, quickly catching up to him.

"Just so you know — if the goat is meant to be some kind of distraction that we sacrifice to the creatures inside the Fold, I'm keeping the goat and throwing Arken out instead." The brunette whispers, and Kaz smirks, knowing that she can't see his face in the darkness, but he doesn't respond.

"It's one thing hearing about it," Inej starts, looking up at the black cloud that has flashes of lightning coming from inside. "But this is-"

"Nothing compared to what lies within." Arken cuts her off as he looks at her, then he passes the torch over to her.

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine." Arya mutters before looking back at the Fold.

"Scared?" Kaz asks as he looks down at her.

"Not of that." She says, and he finds it strange that he believes her.

Arken pulls something out of the black fog, and they both look over to see what's squeaking as he drags it back on the tracks that it's sitting on. "There." He mutters as he turns back to face the three of them. "So, goat, jurda. Thank you. Now we're just waiting on..."

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