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⌜ chapter six ⌟

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After crossing The True Sea into West Ravka, their group of five is now riding in a black, horse-drawn carriage into Novokribirsk. Kaz and Inej are sitting on one side, and Arya's annoyed because she's squished between Jesper and the Conductor — Arken — across from them.

"I didn't hire you simply to get us across the Fold." Kaz says, looking at Arken. "You're with us because you smuggle Grisha out of the Little Palace, and that's the location of our target."

"The Sun Summoner." Inej tells him.

"Alleged." He corrects as he looks at her.

"They wouldn't keep a fraud in the most secure location in all of Ravka." She argues.

"You said you have a contact who can get us inside." Kaz says as he looks back at Arken, getting back on topic. "A Heartrender."

"Mhm." He nods.

"How do I know we can trust her?"

"Nina grew up there."

"Most Grisha grew up in the Little Palace. Very few would betray their general, and fewer still would help foreigners kidnap their most prized possession."

"Nina's a radical." Arken explains. "Thinks Grisha should get to choose if they serve the Crown. She despises involuntary service more than she does the Fjerdans."

It isn't much longer before they reach their destination, and Arya's more than a little relieved to finally be getting out of the carriage. Jesper chuckles as he looks down at her, and Kaz watches her as she links her arm with his to stay at his side as they walk.

The leader of the group starts toward the inn that they're parked outside of, and the others all follow after him. Arya and Jesper are talking quietly to each other, and Kaz finds himself straining as he tries to hear what's making her laugh. Jesper's talking too quietly — an annoying first for him — but what bothers Kaz most is that it bothers him at all.

The five of them walk inside the main entrance of the building, and the innkeeper looks up from the small stack of bills that he's counting. The quiet chatter between Jesper and Arya dies down as Arken asks about Nina, and they're given a room number.

The group makes it up, only to find the door wide open. "She knew to expect us." Arken says as they look around the empty room.

"She isn't late. She's gone." Kaz tells him, standing on the opposite side of the twin bed, looking down at her packed suitcase.

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