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⌜ chapter eight ⌟

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"I almost forgot." Jesper turns to Arya as the five of them stop at a bar top.

"You forget most things." The brunette mutters before asking for something to drink — she'll settle for anything that isn't expensive.

"Keep it up, and I won't give it to you." He threatens, and she only nods, not at all interested at the moment. "You asked for a souvenir."

"You mean, when you were supposed to be getting coal, but instead you gambled away all of the money?" She quirks an eyebrow as she looks up at him, pulling the cloak she's now wearing tighter around her shoulders in an attempt to keep her ruined corset hidden. "And when exactly did you have time to get me anything?"

"I got it first, of course."

"Of course." She chuckles, and Jesper notices when the sound causes Kaz to look down at her.

From his inside jacket pocket, Jesper pulls out a red apple. The amusement leaves Arya's face as she looks at the fruit, and he smiles.

"Not what you were expecting?" He asks.

"Are you trying to make me cry over an apple?" She asks, and he chuckles.

"Actually, I was trying to make you smile." He tells her. "I know you said that the walk to the apple tree was your favorite part, but you wanted to get Milo, so..."

"Thank you, Jesper." She smiles as she takes the apple from him.

"Only the finest apple for the most beautiful girl in town." He hooks his arm around her waist as he leans down and presses his lips to her cheek.

The angle that the two are at makes it difficult for Kaz to see exactly what took place, especially considering he refuses to look directly at them. He doesn't want the others to see the way he watches Arya. In truth, he doesn't want to watch her the way that he continuously finds himself doing so.

The brunette chuckles as she nudges Jesper, lightly pushing on his chest to get him to back up a step. She doesn't know what's gotten into him recently, but she finds him amusing. And, more than anything, she's happy that she seems to have made a friend, even if leaving him behind will be hell later on. But she doesn't want to focus on that part just yet.

"I'm going to see about our job." Kaz tells them before walking away from the group, getting back to work.

He's gone for quite some time.

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