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⌜ chapter one ⌟

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"No." Arya spins around when she realizes that she's no longer in the woods outside of her family's estate. Her green eyes land on the rift that she came through just in time to see it start to close. "No, no, no. No!" It shuts before she can make it back through, disappearing like it was never there, ultimately leaving her stranded in a place that she knows nothing about. "Damn it!"

Taking a deep breath, she starts looking around the room for anything that could be of help to her, but there isn't much that even looks familiar. Everything appears to be foreign and the objects seem to be antiques, though they look as though they're new.

"What the hell did she do? Drop me in the past in another country?" The brunette mutters as she moves around the room.

She suddenly hears faint footsteps making their way toward her, and she looks for a place to hide. But aside from the shadowy corners, there doesn't appear to be anywhere to get herself out of sight. The space is too open and there isn't much in the way of large furniture.

"Who are you?" A male voice gets her attention, and she turns to face him.

He doesn't appear to be much older than she is, but the scowl on his face makes him look older than he is. He's dressed in all black, aside from the simple golden design on the otherwise black vest that he's wearing over a button-up. He has black gloves on; one hand is clutching the top of a cane. And his dark hair is combed back.

"I'm lost." She tells him. "Would you mind telling me where I am?"

"That isn't what I asked." He says as he moves forward, out of the doorway that leads into the bathroom she's standing in. "Who are you?"

"What? You want a name?"

"It's a start."

She grinds her teeth as she looks at him. "Arya."

"And what are you doing in my house?" He questions.

"I told you, I'm lost." She repeats, and he just looks at her. "If you won't tell me where I am, I think I'll go find someone who will."

The teenager tries to move past him, but the cane in his hand strikes out, blocking her path. Her jaw tightens as she looks from the thin end of the cane to the large figure in his hand, then her gaze returns to his face.

"It's bad manners to keep a woman trapped in your presence." She says, her green eyes locked on his blue ones.

"You're the one who broke in."

"It was a mistake. One I'm trying to rectify." Again, the brunette tries to move past him, but he blocks her path with the cane again. "Keeping putting that thing in my way, and I'm gonna shove it up your—"

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