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⌜ chapter nineteen ⌟

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"Shit, shit, sh..." Arya stumbles as she rounds a corner, hitting the brick wall and struggling to stay on her feet.

The teenager can hear the two men not far behind her, they've been chasing her through the streets of Ketterdam for longer than she thought she could run. And she has to keep going to find her way to safety. So she pushes herself away from the wall and takes off running again, flying through alleys and past bystanders as fast as her sore legs will carry her.

She's certain that she remembers the way back.

And just when she feels herself losing strength, she sees the crow hanging in the arch that leads to a new part of the city, giving her the hope that she needs to keep going. She hears the mens' footsteps slow for a moment before they continue after her. They know that they're crossing into enemy territory now, but they have orders to capture her.

"Jesper!" Arya yells as soon as the Crow Club comes into view, and he stands from his post at the door. She barrels right into him, and he wraps his arms around the brunette as he takes a step back, bracing them so they won't fall to the wet ground.

"What's going on?" He asks as he looks down at her, but then he hears the men coming from the same direction.

"I need help." She tells him, and his gun's drawn in an instant, aiming for the men who skid to a stop as they look at Arya and Jesper.

"You're a long way from home." Jesper's gaze flickers between them, keeping one arm wrapped around the brunette who's leaning into his side for support.

"We could say the same for her." One of them speaks. "She was trespassing in the Emerald Palace."

"And now you're trespassing on our territory." He tells him. "Leave before you cause a real problem."

"Not without her."

The one who hasn't said anything yet is suddenly jerked back, and then Jesper and Arya see the hand holding a knife to his throat. "I'd say definitely without her." Inej corrects.

"Wraith." He hisses as he turns to look at her.

"She's with us, and you're not taking her. Now leave before you can't." She lets go of him, but doesn't lower the knife in her hand.

The two men reluctantly leave, but not before casting more furious looks at Arya. Only once they're out of sight does Jesper then lower his gun as he looks down at the brunette, and she groans as she clutches his jacket.

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