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⌜ chapter eighteen ⌟

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"Keep him alive." Kirigan tells his Heartrender, looking down at Mal and Alina who are laying on the deck. "It'll keep her useful to us." He throws Mals's gun over the side of the skiff before telling Alina that she needs to focus on maintaining the light that's protecting all of them.

Arya watches as Inej goes after a male Heartrender, telling a female Squaller to get the skiff out of the Fold. He disarms her and then slams her on her back, holding her by her throat as he pins her to the deck.

"You think I need special power to end your life, Wraith?" He questions, and Arya jumps to grab the side of the landing that they're on, then she pulls herself over.

She tackles him to a lower landing, and he hits the deck with his back. She raises the blade that she's been carrying, but he catches her wrists when she swings it down. He groans as he fights to keep the blade away from his body. He moves her hands to the side as they slam down, and the blade implants in the wood near his head.

"You're the Otherworlder." He says as he looks at her, knocking her off of him. "Unfortunately, I can't kill you."

"Well, now I feel special." She smiles. "Inej, keep her clear."

"Got it."

"But I can still hurt you." The Heartrender says as he gets to his feet.

"I'm terrified." Arya mutters before lunging at him again.

His back hits the side of the skiff, and he grunts. Then she hits him in the face, and he recovers quickly, then he rushes her and tackles her to the deck. They land with a thud, and Arya groans as she rolls to the side. He grabs her leg, pressing hard on the cut that Kirigan made with his shadows, and she screams in pain as she twists back. Arya then slams her elbow into the side of his head as Jesper and Kaz come up through the hatch.

"That was a cheap shot." She mutters as she gets to her feet. "Mal!" She yells, and he turns from where he's still laying at the front of the skiff.

"Left side!" He calls to her as Jesper fires off a shot, hitting the Heartrender that's been staying with Kirigan to protect him.

Kirigan turns a shadow into a blade and launches it at Jesper, but Kaz grabs him and moves them just in time. The shadow hits the right side of the skiff as Arya picks up the chain that Mal stashed there when they first boarded. She knew that it'd make too much noise to keep on her.

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