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⌜ chapter fifteen ⌟

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Kaz, Inej, and Jesper walk back over to the carriage, heading to the back where the trunk is sitting. The three then watch as the lock turns red-hot before popping out of the trunk all together, making it so that the lid will open.

The lid lifts, and then they all see Alina as she pops her head up to look outside. Her dark eyes land on the holstered gun on Jesper's hip, and she climbs out of the trunk before landing on her feet in front of the three of them.

"We don't want any trouble." Jesper tells her.

"Neither do I, so I'll just be on my way." She turns and tries to walk past Kaz, but he quickly raises his cane and places it in her way.

"Clearly you want out of East Ravka. We can help you." He says, and Inej nods as Alina looks at her. "We have a secure route through the Fold."

"I prefer to travel alone."

"Don't be rash." He tells her. "You stick with us, everybody gets what they want."

"I'm not being anyone's captive ever again." She says as she looks between the three of them, then her gaze settles on Kaz. "So step aside and let me pass."

"I'm afraid we can't let that happen." Their leader says.

Alina lets out a burst of light from the palms of her hands, momentarily blinding Kaz and Jesper, but Inej saw it coming. She shielded her eyes in time, but still let Alina get away from them. She tries to run around the side of the carriage, but quickly skids to a stop when she sees Arya leaning against the side of it.

Alina tries to raise her hand to blind Arya the same as she did the others, but Arya's faster than she is. She grabs her arm, fingers curling around her wrist, and she twists her arm, forcing Alina to spin and end up with her back against Arya's chest.

She quickly raises her free hand, and Arya reaches out to grab it as well. A ball of light manifests over her palm and Alina clasps her hand with the other girl's. Arya screams as her palm burns, and then she shoves Alina away from her as she quickly retracts her hand. Alina runs off, and she doubles over in pain as she clutches her aching hand to her chest.

"Bitch." Arya hisses through clenched teeth.

Inej looks down at her, remorse in her eyes from not helping her, which resulted in her getting hurt. Kaz then blocks her view as he walks over to Arya, and she groans in pain as she straightens up, leaning against the side of the carriage as she rests her head back. She looks over at him, seeing him rub his eyes before they settle on her again, and he blinks a few times.

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