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*Hayden POV*

"Hayden wake up! We gotta do our video!" Hayes yelled jumping on my bed. I just groaned and rolled over.


I shot up from my bed. "Hayes if you don't get the hell off my bed, I'm gonna hurt you in your sleep," I said angrily.

"Sorry sorry but I expected you to be up," he held his hands up on defeat.

"But I wasn't so why jump on my bed?"

"Cuz Hayden, its 12:30 in the afternoon, you need a better sleeping schedule."

I groaned again and fell back onto my pillow. "Sleeping schedules are for losers," I groaned.

"Well then you're a loser because you have a schedule. You have to wake up at 9 on rehearsal days aka your practice days."

"Can you go get me some food. Like a granola bar or something?" I asked just changing the subject.

"And you'll get ready for the video?"

"If you mean brushing my teeth and washing my face by getting ready then sure," I shrugged.

He shook his head laughing but nodded and left. I looked over and G-Cam wasn't in her bed.

I guess I was the only one still sleep.

I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. I had a crazy bed head so I just put my hair in a messy bun and washed my face. Then brushed my teeth. I walked out to see Hayes sitting on my bed with some strawberries, a granola bar, and orange juice.

"You know you eat pretty healthy in the morning," Hayes pointed out.

"Yeah, I don't like heavy breakfast," I shrugged as I grabbed the food from him and sat beside him. "Now what's this video about?"

"Ok so we tweeted out the #AskHayHay and the followers are suppose to give us some good questions and we answer," he explained.

"So why am I doing this?"

"Because the fans-"

"Supporters!" I corrected him.

"Because the SUPPORTERS...want to get to know you more. And the other dancers but Nash has them covered."

"Well ok then let's go!" I exclaimed standing up.

"You're not gonna change?" He asked giving me a questioning look.

I looked down at my outfit. I just had on huge black shirt, little blue shorts, and black socks that went to my knees.

"Well why would I? You woke me up out of my sleep to do this video. Be thankful!"

He nodded and we both walked to Hayes's room. When I got to his room, I plopped down on his bed. Nash was in the other bed.

"Hey Nashley, where's G-Cam?" I asked him.

"I don't know, she just left," he shrugged.

"Oooo and why was she in here?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"None of your business," Nash laughed.

"Nash can you get out? We're about to do a video.." Hayes said setting up the camera.

"Ughhh this is my room too Hayes," Nash groaned.

"Go find Camren. You know you want to," I smirked.

"You're right, and Hayden if you're gonna do a video, next time dress better," Nash said before walking out of the room.

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