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Hayden's POV*

"Hey George," I said being the last to climb in the van. We had finished our rounds of bumper cars and bowling and it was time to go.

It was about 11:00pm by the time we made it back to the hotel.

"It was nice meeting you dancers," George said to us.

"Lovely meeting you too man," Trevor said. The way he said it caused me to stifle a laugh.

We all waved goodbye to George as we hopped out of the van and into the lobby.

"Ok everyone head to their rooms to shower and get pajamas and meet in my room in an hour yeah?" I instructed, ending in a question.

"Gotchu bro," Gilinsky said and walked towards the elevator, followed by everyone else.

That elevator was way too crowded.

Anyways, we all went our separate ways to our rooms, me and G-Cam going into the ours'.

"I call first dibs on the shower," she told me.

"Whatever. Just hurry up slow child," I laughed.

"Got it," she said going into the bathroom.

As I waited, I pulled out my phone and decided to text Eric back at home.

Me: Eric, you're not still mad at me right?

He tool about 2minutes to respond back.

Eric: idk. I'm surprised you still remember me.

Me: Eric you're my best friend and I'm coming home tomorrow so you're stuck w me.

Eric: why are u coming home??

Me: I'll explain when I see you ok?

Eric: yeah whatever. See you later hoe.

I gasped when I saw his text but I couldn't help but laugh.

Me: see ya biotch.

I smiled at the thought of seeing Eric when G-Cam came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"The bathroom is all yours love," she told me.

"Why thank you darling," I used a British accent.

By the time I showered, washed my hair, got out, and got dressed; everyone was piled into my room.

Hayes and Nick sat against the headboard of my bed talking about something they'd saw on Twitter.

Nash, G-Cam, Cameron and Johnson all piled up onto G-Cam's bed laughing about something Johnson said.

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