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*Hayes POV*

I couldn't sleep. I laid there staring at the ceiling in an unfamiliar home with an unfamiliar family and an unfamiliar best friend.

I've never seen Hayden so fragile and upset. One wrong move and she could be in tears for a year. I wish she wasn't in the state of mind she's in and I honestly don't think me being here is any help.

"Hayes," I heard someone whisper. Maybe I'm just hearing things. "Are you up?"

I sat up and looked around the really dark room. I saw a shadow in the door way but I couldn't make out who it was. I squinted my eyes but that was useless.

"Hayes. Can you come with me. It will be really quick."

I got out of bed and put on some slides. I walked out of the room and followed until I could finally see that it was Hayden. We tiptoed downstairs and she put on her shoes.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To visit a friend."

She answered so plainly. It was the blankest answer. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was in the craziest ponytail.

We walked out the door and closed it quietly. She walked and I followed.

"What friend?"

"My friend." She shrugged.

We walked a couple blocks until we came to a house that looked similar to Hayden's. She pulled out her phone and called someone.

"Hey, I'm sorry its late but guess who's home....me stupid....actually I'm at your front door now....just come out quietly... Ok," she said into the phone but shortly hung up.

Soon the door opened and there stood this tall boy. It was too dark to see any details but his eyes widened once he stepped outside.

"Eric!" Hayden whisper yelled and jumped into his arms.

"Denny! I missed you so much. What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Cassie's sick. I needed to see her and my friend Hayes here joined me."

"Oh. You must be one of those guys that girls keep obsessing about lately," he slightly laughed.

"Yeah I guess so," I shrugged.

"Well I'm Eric," he held his hand out and I shook it.

"I know," I responded.

"So are you here for my late night specialty?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

WOAH WOAH WOAH. his late night specialty better not be what I think it is...

"Hell yeah kid!"

He grabbed her hand and they walked away laughing and catching up. I just stood there confused as to why I was brought along to this...

"Come on Hayes." Hay rushed me.

"Coming..." I said walking slowly. I followed behind them at a distance.

*Hayden's POV*

"So E, how ya been?" I asked him.

"Well. Im still living," he slightly smiled and began swinging our intertwined fingers.

"Wow. That doesn't sound too great," I responded.

"It isn't great but what helps me smile is knowing my best friend is living the dream life."

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