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2 weeks later *Hayes's POV*

So me and Hayden haven't been talking. I'm not sure if she still considers me as her boyfriend. Her and G-Cam both had a birthday and I got Hay a present and she simply smiled and moved on to the next.

Other than that, the Arizona tour has been great and we have our meet and greets tomorrow.

"Hey little bro. Whatcha up to?" Nash asked.

"Nothing. Just thinking," I shrugged.

"Me and the guys are gonna hang out. Wanna come? It'll help you get your mind off Denny."

"Since when do you call her that?" I asked, sitting up from my bed.

"I don't know. It fits her. Now come on child," Nash said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of bed. "Meet us in the lobby. Dress better!" He yelled before leaving the room.

I shook my head but went to my suitcase and grabbed some clothes.

I put on a short sleeved flannel, khaki shorts, and black vans with my all black nike socks.

I grabbed my key card he headed out of my room. On the way to the lobby I ran into Jenna and Marlay.

"Hey kiddo," Jenna ruffled my hair.

"Um 1. Don't do that and 2. I'm not a kid," I said.

"Hm sassy are we? I don't know which one of you are worse. Hayden or you," Marlay commented.

"Oh." I sighed at the sound of her name.

"Wait, I effed up didn't I? What did I say?" Marlay panicked.

I laughed at her a little but then shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing. Hayden just...isn't talking to me."

"Really? You seem all upset and she seems all happy. Maybe you should give up Hayes, I mean that is if you were even tryi-"

"Mar!! Oh my god shut up!" Jenna yelled at her sister.

Jenna put her hand on my shoulder and turned me to look at her. We were about the same height so she was pretty tall for a girl.

"You can get her back. Or you can move on. Either way you need to choose what makes you happy," Jenna said and I sighed.

"Guys I dont mean to interrupt but Hayden and G are coming this way," Marlay whispered.

Jenna quickly took her hands off my shoulders as the 2 girls approached.

"Um I gotta go," I mumbled and turned to walk away.

I walked away fast and to the elevator to head to the lobby. In the lobby, I saw all the guys.

"Sup Hayes. Ready go go?" Matt asked.

"Um yeah let's go."

-----30 minutes

After 30 minutes of riding in that cramped van, we finally pulled up to some lit up place. It was some arcade/restaurant and bar place.

We went in and was seated by this cute lady who I'm guessing would be the waitress.

"Hey girl. I'm Taylor and you are?" He asked, shaking her hand.

"Tasha. But most people call me Moe," she said.

"Moe? Where did Moe come from?" I pitched in as we took our seats.

"My middle name is Monae and I prefer not to be called Tasha. I'm named tasha after my grandma and rather not be reminded of her. Can I take you guys' order?"

"Oh. I'll take lemonade," I said.

"We'll just take a huge thing of lemonade. And your largest serving of fries, pizza and wings," Nash ordered and all the boys nodded in agreement.

"Ok boys. Here are you tickets and stuff to play. Your food will be here shortly and have fun," Moe smiled and walked away.

"She's hot," Taylor said looking at her as she walked away.

"Chill bro, we aren't here for much longer," Jack J spoke.


We all got up and went to the arcade area. A couple of girls saw us, I'm not sure if they were fans but they thought we were 'cute' so they stuck around like flies.

I kind if split from the group and walked around looking for other stuff to do. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi," a girl smiled at me.


"Oh sorry. I'm Nat. Short for Natalie," she smiled.

"Hi?" I repeated trying not to be mean.

"Ok look, I saw you with that group of guys and now your alone so I figured why not say hi. Plus my sister waited your table," she said sassily.

"Oh you do look like Moe," I laughed a little. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Sassy are we?"

"No. Its just people say we look alike all the times. Its annoying," she huffed.

"Same blonde hair, same blue eyes, same pretty face. I see why people say that." I smiled.

"Well you look like that other blue eyed kid with the dark hair. Nash is it?" She smirked.

"Well played," I laughed and she laughed along.

"Hey, so you wanna hang out until you leave?" She asked

"Yeah okay," I shrugged and she pulled me over to pacman.

"Pacman is so old," I cringed.

"Who asked for your opinion?"

"Who asked you to be a bitch?"

"Well played," she laughed and I laughed along. "But don't call every girl a female dog. She might not accept the fact that she is one and you could loose a friend and an eye."

"Noted," I nodded.

Me and Natalie hung out for the next hour and a half just chilling and walking around the lit up arcade.

"Hey your friends might eat all the food," Nat pointed out as we spotted their table.

"Oh well. You hungry?" I asked her.

"I could eat," she shrugged.

"Well come on," I pulled her outside of the arcade and on to the streets of Arizona.

"Do you even know where your going?"

"Nope but I guess we'll find out together," I said and grabbed her hand.

Maybe I was doing this because I missed Hayden. Maybe I was doing this because I wanted to move on. It was 50/50 chance but right now I didn't care. Natalie was a cool, down chick.

Oh hayesifer

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