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*Jenna's Pov*

Saying I was pissed was an understatement. Nash was a cheater. Cam is psychotic. I'm a crybaby. My sister and the 2000s are traitors. The Jacks are bystanders. Trevor is a bum. Nick is a loser. Matt, Aaron, and Cameron are lost puppies. Carter and Taylor are wild. And Natalie is the unliked.

What's happening? I have no idea. Everyone seems to have a title.

I finally got my sheets changed after the mess but I have no makeup now. And seeing Cam wear my lipstick sent me to the edge of sanity.

No, seeing the lipstick from her lips on Nash's neck sent me to the edge of sanity.

Its like a weird war here. Every time I see G-Cam, she's wearing a smirk and my lipstick. I guess she likes it.

I tried to shrug off my thoughts as I watched the TV in front of me. It felt as if time was getting slower and I was moving in slow-mo.

"Jenna. Get your head together. We gotta go practice..." Marlay snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I don't want to go. I want to lay in my bed all day," I said snuggling into my covers.

Marlay looked at me. The straightest face I've ever seen her wear was burning into my soul.

"Get up. I'll be in the lobby," she walked out of the room.

I swear everyone seems to hate me as if I did something wrong. I knew Nash and Camren were close but I didn't know they were that close.

He told me he was free and he was all touchy with me...so I walked through that open door and now I'm the bad guy.

I got out of my bed and rose slowly. I was still in pajamas and I thought maybe I could pull it off at practice.

I wiped that thought and put on a baggy T-shirt, yoga pants and some Nike elites.

Looking a mess was pretty much what described me but oh well.

I made my way to the lobby to find all the dancers hanging out on the couches in there, waiting for the van to arrive.

Slowly approching, I took a seat on the arm of Trevor's chair.

"Hey Jen," he smiled at me. I gave him a small smile back.

"Hey Jen," G-Cam said in a mocking tone, walking up to me.

I glared at her and my stupid red lipstick.

"I just came over to say hi. No need to get rude," she smirked.

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"Oh look. She speaks," She smirked once again.

My lip and nose twitched, me getting angrier by the second.

"I'll wipe that stupid smirk off your face in a heartbeat," I growled in a awfully low tone.

"Do it sweetly," she rolled her eyes, speaking sarcastically .

Your wish is my command.

I stood from my spot and reached to push her, jerking her body backwards.

Her faced was just as red as her lips. Anger took over both of us.

Soon enough punches were being thrown. She was smaller than me and I definitely had an advantage.

She got a few good punches in but in the end I won. I had a bruise forming under my eye but her face looked way worse.

Scratches, yet to be fully formed bruises, and a little blood from the scratches trickling down.

She held her face in silence.

"Cam, I'm not sure your head is right so let me clear something up. I didn't know you and Nash were a thing so excuse me for caring less about you and his personal life," I stated firmly before continuing, "and heads up. If your man does you wrong, don't go after the girl when your boyfriend was the one who couldn't control what was in his pants."

She looked up at me. Anger and hurt flashed in her eyes and I felt bad for a second before realizing she'll be fine sooner or later.

After calming my glare at her, I looked up to find the dancers staring. Trevor and Nick looked absolutely petrified while Hayes, Hay, and Marlay had slightly neutral faces. Some shock was hidden.

"Hey I've come to tell you all that Natalie will not longer be with us..." Bart said coming into the lobby, getting quieter towards the end of his sentence when he spotted me and Cam.

The front desk guy had a shocked look on his face but failed to say anything and older people walking by shook their heads.

Uh oh...

"The van is here. Dancers head out. Cam... Jenna hang back a sec. We need to talk," Bart nodded.

This can't be good.

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