I Love you//Dreamnotfound💗

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Dream and George are dating for quite a while now, it was nice people not intruding there relationship and they made sure that they're both comfortable.

Beforehand they thought of coming out on stream, well George was bored and streaming was on his mind, What if they came out today? George loved the idea, it was fine hiding from the fans but its also better to be safe and not be worried every single day.

George met up with Dream, no-one knows yet but it would be a fun stream! Just imagine your favorite youtubers met up and they come out as dating? Chat would go crazy. They could only hope that the fans won't harass them, they have shipped Dreamnotfound for far too long to not be excited.

George is currently sat on the bed drowning in thoughts overthinking of what could happen if they made one wrong step. Finally Dream went out the bathroom.

"George?" Dream hummed.

"What if we came out as dating this stream?" George asked quietly, he didn't know why he was whispering maybe he wanted the sentence only to be heard for the two of them, even though they were alone.


"I mean we have been dating for 9 months now, why bother?"

"Its just- Nothing are you sure though?" Dream never wanted to make George uncomfortable, I mean- He would do anything for him. He didn't want his love, to be harmed by stupid people on the internet.

George now standing up, hugging Dream whispering a soft "We'll be fine, don't worry."
Also sending  a smooth, relaxed, loving kiss.

"I love you, let's set up your computer?" George said calmly trying so hard to not show that he's scared.

Dream had settled his computer for the following things they were going to do, as he was getting the chairs, he looked at his boyfriend serious and stressed, but god did he looked so pretty. Before thoughts got the best of him he got a quick peck, leaving his boyfriend shocked and flustered.

As his camera opened (and yes he had done his face reveal already) the donations came, the chat was still shocked with his face reveal (thus the excitement in their eyes everytime Dream uses face cam) chat was especially happy.

"Hi chat!! How are we?" Dream greeting and reading donations, whilst chat is being extremely excited. maybe because they think its a meetup with George. Well technically they're right.

George sat down the chair and everyone and when Dream say everyone is ecstatic, he means it.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He looked at Dream smiling non-stop, laughing after. He glanced at Dream's lips thinking the chat wouldn't see. But god that was stupid, the chat became even more crazy after that.

"Hii guyssss!" George gave a fond smile towards the camera.

S0rr1foryu: 💙💚
shewtp1d_b1tch: Guys stop talking about dnf instead be happy they met up
kayisCoral: lol

"We met upp!!" George said happily.

"Anddd we have something to tell you.." Dream looked at George, eyeing him with complete love in his eyes.

"Are you going to tell them?"

"Why me? You can do it!"

"I hate you."

Instead of saying the words "We're dating" he grabbed Dream's cheek pulling him into a deep and meaningful kiss. And it felt so good in finally calling each other "mine".

The stream crashed the same time they pulled away, both laughing about it.

Love, what a silly word, Dream and George was both moon-struck they felt like nothing, they don't even care about the chat, the people whose watching this, they love each other. That's it nothing more, when they say their is nothing more powerful emotion than love is true, it can defy you.

A/N Hiii im the author of "You know what im better with you" so pls bare with me with this book i wanted you to have something while i fix the plot of my book, i wish you all the best. this is rushed im sorry :(

vote? thanksss

fm here god that was weird,y written but fixed its thanks 🙏 😍😍


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