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  ALSO MY FIRST REQUEST!! WHAT?? im totally not excited, totally. sorry for the lack of content tho i warned u guys, i still am sorry. I dont normally ship them but as requested ill write it :D

phonophobia means that you hate loud sounds ex. fireworks (shitty explanation ik but to further learn about it, search it on google)


The sound of people talking, playing stupid and loud music, obnoxiously screaming even though it's dead in the night. Was irritating.

He wanted to go away, run- whatever that makes him disappear from this place.

He heard his name being called, "George- George!"

He quickly stood up from the couch and ran the other way quietly excusing himself

Before finding himself a quiet place his earphones were snatched, he realized it was now too late and too far to find it. He sighs, everything is making it unbearable to even breathe.

He found a room, it isn't quiet nor peaceful- it was the difference of "quiet" and "peaceful".

The bass of the new-found sound hurts more than it should, he feels his heartbeat thumping in his ears.

The vibrations of the sound made his ears felt weird, disgusting, and shit.

He hated it, every second that passes by he wanted to rip his head off, or he tries desperately to make the ringing stop.

The door opened, unbelievably so it did. A short blacked-hair guy walked in, he had a "LAFD" beanie on.

The said man sat on the bed with him, a word was not said until the man asked "Hey, Are you okay?"

By that, he was crying shaking his head whilst doing so, he wanted to ask him so badly "Do I look like it, man?"

But he didn't, he was too shaken to be even saying something.

"Can I touch you?"

He was hesitant, sure, we're talking about a random man that he met in a sketchy party.

But, he desperately need some sort of company so he nods.

Awkwardly, the man hugged him as he murmured quiet reassuring comments, he was thankful for that- though this is a random man, he needed the comfort badly.

A couple of minutes ran by he was less tense by now he eased into the hug, and the man was quiet.

He didn't know why, though he doesn't blame him he's quite literally a stranger in a frat boy's party, and is crying.

The silence from the both of them other than George's sniffles was oddly calming, the stranger was still there by his side rubbing circles on his back squeezing his hand sometimes.

And he wanted to stay here forever, and even though he doesn't know anything about the man his age, his name, his birthday- everything! But he was more comfort than anyone can have.

His warmth radiates comfort, it was a silly observation but whatever blame a man for wanting to have someone to care for him just for one night.

"Earphones?" The man said, finally breaking the silence.

He nods, again.

"The name's Quackity, by the way." Quackity smiled at him, and it was fond he gave a sheepish smile for a 'thank you'. Welp, atleast he knew a single information on him.

"George." His voice, hoarse.

Quackity stood up slowly grabbing earphones from a drawer, he's guessing he lives here finally a wave of embarrassment overcomes him he blushes "Fuck." he mutters under his breath.

Quackity didn't seem to catch it though, "I only have one earphones guess we have to share it, George."

"That's fine."

Quackity sent him a smile again, he'd never get over that.

He lays in bed now with earphones connected to his phone, he held an earbud to George where he wholeheartedly accepted. The music flowed around them, he hums along to the melody. Sometimes with Quackity as well, until they both fell asleep.

The morning wasn't terrible but it wasn't good, his head throb but Quackity was still with him.

He looked peaceful, pretty under actual light, and quite short.

He untangles himself from Quackity's arms bitterly, he definitely was late for the first day of school but who cares?

He wrote a short, sweetened letter for Quackity to see if he wakes up.

But right now, he wishes he wouldn't see him again. Too much embarrassment for him to handle.

But shit, he had a new classmate.

It was Quackity.

sorry if this is so late but requested by Kenya3063 !! sorry if it took weeks, i was on vacation then ofc i binge read so many fanfics LMFAOO
love you lovelies💗

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