Your choice, not mine//Karlnapity💓 Part 1

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Ha would yall rlly think u get happy endings well here, we look at lore and swallow it.

Las Nevadas, it was Quackity's with his friends or his business partners.

"Quackity aren't you going to sleep?" Wilbur looked with the sympathetic face again.

"I sleep when i want to wil, and stop with that face it's annoying me."

"Well, just saying don't need to act so feisty." Wilbur left Quackity in spite of anger, he was just concerned and Quackity was being so mad about it.

Las Nevadas was in big threat, Dream has escaped and have Tommy somewhere in probably his basement.

It felt like yesterday when pressure wasn't suffocating him like this, it was years ago when it felt easy.


Where are they Karl? Sapnap?

He eventually fall asleep in hopes someone would hug him to sleep, it never happened.

"Quackity! QUACKITY!" Wilbur shouted.

"What What!"

"Dream.. Is here."

"What? What does that bastard want?"

"I don't know!" Wilbur shrugged.

Quackity fixed himself making his outfit more presentable, 'cause right now he's in pajamas.

He looked into the mirror his eye was swollen out of the crying, his face was gloomy, Where are his fiancés to fix his tie for him? He eventually taught himself how to fix his tie.

"Where is he?"

"Water fountain." Fundy pointed at waving Dream.


"What do you want Dream?" Quackity snarled.

"Aww no hello's?"

"Just what do you want?"

"K, I just wanted to gamble something."

"You came here at 7 in the morning to gamble?"

"Yep!" Dream made that same smug smile.

"Fucking- Whatever! Let's go."

They walk down into the casino, the vines scattered everywhere, while the gold embellishments made a pattern at the top with white quartz-made pillars standing tall in the front.

"Woww.." Dream breathed out, Foolish made the interior even better.

Pool tables and gamblers were found everywhere bars are soon-to-be-open, the red carpet and strobing lights of red blue and green music is already blasting, Who does that?

"So, what did you want to play."

"Poker." Dream snickered.

(Idk how to play poker just think they did it.)

The two were both competitive in playing heavy breathing and sighs, when they were in the verge of ending.

Dream pulled out a Full house.

Quackity Lost.


"Guess I win." Dream smiled.

Quackity was frustrated, how can he lose to Dream they were already in a risky side.

Quackity sighs giving in defeat, "Fair enough, so what did you want to gamble."

"Oh who said i was going to gamble money? I wanted a favor."


"I won didn't I? Yes or no?"

"Yes, okay what do you want me to do." Quackity rolled his eyes.

"I want you to blow up Kinoko Kingdom."

His heart stopped, he wasn't with his fiancés anymore but that doesn't mean feelings, love, care didn't evolve in the span of time that they had.

Time isn't really in their favor.

"No-ha Dream a different favor?"

Dream raised his eyebrows, "Scared for a little game?" Dream laughed.

"Kinoko Kingdom is where Karl and Sapnap lives, I don't like games."

"And so? So what if Karl and Sapnap lives there."

"They're my fiancés." Quackity played with his rings, begging the loud ringing to stop and let him go, but he can't fight back.

"Oh? Even better." Dream smiled tauntingly.

"Wha- Dream I can't! I don't want them to get hurt haven't you got it already!"

Dream was stunned, but gave Quackity a chance.

"Sure then, i'll kill you in front of them, or you need to blow up Kinoko."

It's his life or his fiancé's.

His life is meaningless if he kills his ex-fiancés, he can't.

He can't kill his ex-fiancés, he can't bare to see them bleeding especially by his grasp.

Why can't he have someone to lean on? Always no-one, always him.

He has no other choice he has to die.

He remembers how Karl was afraid of blood, and Sapnap was afraid of death.

He remembers how he calmed them every war they had, every battle they had how he would seperate the two when Sapnap was bleeding, and Karl was fighting for his
life, and he would be tired. But in the end of the day the two would say Thank you, that they love him cuddles were almost everyday, where are they now?

Now he's here contemplating their life.

The world they live in.

"Kill me, Just kill me."

"Well then, 9 pm exactly today."

Maybe it's time for Karl and Sapnap to face those fears, he's getting a lot of 'mad kisses' in the afterlife by Karl and Sapnap.

Part one of this fic i'll post the other half tomorrow! (very much a lie old me)

Happy halloween guys!! I love you all<3 Sorry for the angst especially its halloween but sometimes we need to embrace it guys :(

No spelling checks!! snf, skephalo, +other ships will be seen soon!

Sick fics will prolly happen cus im sick rn.

I love you all and c you here again ofc ;)

fm here!! i didnt fix alot here but yk 😜🤘


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