A Note

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You guys can read this and can not. If you don't wanna be sad further, i suggest you not.

Regarding about the passing of Technoblade, I am devastated upon hearing the news a day ago.

I feel the need of making this note as a gratitude of respect for him. My heart goes out to his loved ones and his close friends, i hope they are doing well right now. As i also hope that you guys are doing well and taking of yourselves too, please take a break if needed<3

He was one of the first person that made me join the MCYT fandom and losing him was losing a vital part of me, he inspired me (and i could say that alot of people got inspired of him too) and made me grow to what i am now.

He's forever always gonna be one of the best people that i would ever met.

Techno, if you're listening right now, in that short amount of time we had together you still became one of my favorites and that will always stay the same. You were the best even in hard times in my life, a single stream of yours can always make me smile. After hearing the news everything has been crashing down lately and i feel like it's so stupid because i was just listening to your voice and now im crying because of it. This short note can't express my feelings further, but i wish you the best and you'll always have my support no matter what. It will never, ever. Truly be the same without you, techno.

I'll try and post more to make it a little easier, so yeah. I love you lovelies, i'll always will.

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