The Remnants of a Broken Relationship// Karlnapity💗

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HI LOVELIES!! im back haha woohoo!! not rlly im still on a break lmfao as soon as my schedule is crystal clear ill try and write as many as possible! but for now have this request from ao3
"Oh, so now you care for me?! Since when?" Quackity's voice was loud, a voice in his head begged Quackity to be louder, harsher, and bolder.

Hurt me, like I hurt you. I deserve every bit of it.

"You called me a murderer, Karl!-" The tone in his voice faltered, his eyes soften, then broadened "Sapnap, you didn't even bother to call."

"I was sick! I-I wasn't myself!" he pleaded, "Q, please!"

He tried to reason, for himself.

To sleep at night, to live without the feeling of regret, to say at last "It wasn't your fault, Karl."

Yet he failed, rejection is a harsh thing, he notes.

"Even if you were, it's far too late. I have a husband, and i'm happy."

Sapnap looked at him, with acceptance and tired eyes, "Okay."

"What do you mean by 'okay', Sapnap! We can't just-"

"Karl, we both know that this is no use!"

It was true, this is all from self pity, nothing else.

Nothing can fix the remnants of a broken relationship.

Tragic story, isn't it? Once blooming relationship, ended up in flames! What a funny fucking joke.



There's only one way to fix the broken, to reattach the remnants of the once blooming relationship, to rewrite the missing chapters of the book.

DreamXD, the God himself. Powerful, strong, yet merciless.

Karl would beg on his knees to make XD fix the unfixable.

And he will.

Out of despair and desperation of having him back, he found himself in front of an old library. Once his, surprisingly.

The feeling of adventure overcame him, he smiled slightly, it wasn't all bad. He found friends! Lost them, but that wasn't the point was it?

He flipped through the pages of a book he kept neatly, now dirty and dusty.

He brushed his hands against shelves, filled with nothing but patchy memories. And an unlit portal, begging him to be opened once again.

He opened the book, chanting the words that lit the portal, it felt like it was just yesterday when he said this sacred words. It had been a year.

A year traced with nightmares, haunting words, and tears he wished he hadn't shed.

All memories, he wishes he could erase every single one.

The portal opened, all in its glory. It was the same, the same one he desperately walked in to fix this fuck of a world, and repeat.

He sighed softly to himself, as he walked towards the portal, a voice interrupted.

"Karl?" A familiar sound, Sapnap.

"I'm sorry, Sapnap!"

"Karl don't do this!"

Before he could even finish another sentence, he blinked and here he was.

In DreamXD's realm, or so they call it. They're realm could could be seen in whatever scenery they want.

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