Stay 'Cause I'm Clingy//Karlnap💗

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we all r clingy, my brain just makes random blurbs of fluff nowadays wth and i just realized how different i act in comments and in my stories😭 love you LOVELIESSS<3<33333<3
Its monday moring Sapnap, unfortunately have to leave for work obviously needed for extra income just in case.

And Karl wasn't a fond of Sapnap leaving, he'll fight Sapnap if he goes somewhere with no consent.

That was mainly when Karl wanted affection or was not streaming early (when Sapnap leaves) Sapnap was okay with this he finds it cute that Karl wanted his attention and his only.

But of course Karl can't always what he gets, so he had to work for it.

Sapnap groggily pulled away from Karl's grasp, with one eye open and some half-conscious brain he looked around looking at the boy who was comfortable near him he looked so, cute.

He planted a small kiss on the other's forehead, whilst the sunlight threatening to lit up the whole room, if it isn't for the curtains who blocked the streaks of light coming from outside it would've blinds the younger's eyes.

Even though Sapnap wanted to hold on Karl, he can't he has to go. And that sucks especially when Karl streams.

"Chat, Sapnap needs to go to work, HE LEFT ME AGAIN! The audacity of that idiot."

Karl grumbled, chat was eagerly listening to Karl say smack about Sapnap and how he left, all that stuff.

Sapnap was watching that time, he almost got fired but it's fine its Karl, c'mon.

Sapnap had to leave, but Karl had a different idea. Even though asleep, his reaction of someone pulling away from his hugs he makes the hugs tighter.

Now, Sapnap needs to pry of Karl's arms bitterly, why was this man so hard to get rid of?

But hey, who would want to get rid of Karl the fucking Jacobs?

Sapnap has successfully left the bed now it's time to play a game of "Don't Make A Sound Or I Won't Let You Leave."

He plays this everytime he needs to leave this goddamn house.

He tiptoed his way to the bathroom he wore a simple fit since it was going to be covered by an apron.

Since he was great at cooking, well Karl will burn the house down if he did. So they bare with Sapnap's cooking.

He made this breakfast very quickly since he really needs to go, some eggs waffles and orange juice.

Typical white house, but it's better than nothing.

He wrote on a pink sticky note, "Hey i'm probably gone by the time your reading this, so i love you and have a good stream later<3."

A simple note 'cause he was late, VERY.

After packing his lunch he went to their bedroom for the car keys, since the bedroom is connected to the sofa (their blockage is only a door) their bedroom is big as hell.

But, Karl wasn't asleep he was fucked he wasn't going to leave soon.

"Where do you think your going, hmmm?" Karl snickered.

"Work, sweetheart I need to go."

"You already know that i'm not letting you go right?" Karl smiled innocently.

Sapnap grumbled he knows that, "Yeahhh."

So instead of arguing, and being late he grabbed Karl's hand and yanked him out the bed doing a twirl before Karl could even fall Sapnap catched him, Tango style. lol

"Guess I won't be leaving you soon." Sapnap winked.

"Oh shut up and come here." Karl swinged his arms on Sapnap's shoulder causing his head bow a little so Karl can kiss him.

Sapnap smiled and took Karl to bed, bridal style 'cause Karl deserves it.

He was totally gonna get fired.

But hey, like he said it's Karl the fucking Jacobs.

my friend is going to follow me pls act normal PLEASE


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