I Hate You, But I need you//c!Tnt duo💗

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Sometimes, even tho we have a big ASS ego like dream's ego we need someone also this a sick fic or a care fic or IDK TW: BLOOD, WOUNDS mild gore uwu MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE LOVELIESSSS<333 kingdom au or royalty au AIDK A bit of passerine!
It was dark outside, the warm winter air (even in the scorching desert, it snows) Quackity felt something was off, wrong or bugging him for some sort he doesn't know.

After contemplating in the cold, he went outside for fresh air or something just to feel happiness in the cold.

As he open the door he went outside his tower, doing so he saw Wilbur on the side of the tower, he looked asleep.

He kneeled down unto him, why is this idiot here and at 3 in the morning?

He analyzed Wilbur more, finding some sort of explanation why is he here. Looking at him longer he saw some- things? He's holding his stomach with blood spilling and trickling down his hand.

He scoffed annoyingly, he already has risked himself in leaving the tower at night, now he needs to help his father's enemy son from bleeding to death. Great!

Yeah, maybe he shouldn't worry about Wilbur and him being his enemy too much.

"Wilbur, Wil! WILBUR!" Quackity didn't need to help him, technically. But he wanted to, weirdly.

"Heya, what the fuck, oh hey." Wilbur looked hurt, cause he was. He had bruises on his face and a bad gash on his cheek what did he do now?

"Wilbur! Oh my FUCKING GOD! What did you do!"

Wilbur snorted he was used to this type of incidents he had some practice with blowing up nations in the past, "Ha! Funny story, I was mining deep as fuck since I didn't know what path I came from, I mined up. Then! It was on top of a hill then a skeleton shot me off then surprise! It was a fucking mountain I have half a heart right now !"

Oh god, he pitied Wilbur so he went and grabbed him and swung him on his shoulders to clean his harsh gashes and the long trail of blood on his stomach was, worrisome.

As he realized this, Wilbur can't walk.

He had to piggyback his enemy, great. Just great!

"Wilbur I swear if you do this one more time I will kill you." Wilbur only snorted leaning on the smaller's back leaning to Quackity's touch, even though it's snowing and little snowflakes were gushing down the tainted clouds, making groups of snow on the ground, he found a fire in Quackity. Maybe a cozy one or even a raging one.

After an excruciating walk, hiding from guards and whatnot, they finally stood infront of Quackity's room.

Quackity layed Wilbur down to get the medical supplies, the younger boy found a medical kit in their storage room. He came back Wilbur all snuggled up on his pillow he didn't complain.

He reminded Quackity of someone, someone that he loved so long ago.

He looked like his secret boyfriend. Sapnap, reckless and a big softie and somewhat will cuddle anything?

"Wilbur please tell me you aren't dead, I kind of need you right now." He didn't know why he was saying this, but it was true. He hold unto Wilbur, he feels so warm, too warm.

Wilbur shifted,"Don't do that again Wil."

"Do you have any painkillers, Q?"

"I do, anything else?

"Water with that too please, thank you."

Wilbur wanted to die, Quackity on the other hand didn't even care that Wilbur was his enemy, he needed this dumbass to live.

Quackity wanted to internally scream but fuck do Wilbur look so pret- yeah pretty when he smiles?

The jabs were deep and Quackity was shaking he can't even stitch properly.

But for Wilbur we try.
But for Wilbur we try!

An he did it! And Wilbur was holding his hands tightly.

He was crying?


"I'm sorry."

"I'm scared."

"I'm scared, please don't leave." The only thing that was in Wilbur's head right now was this relationship doesn't end like he had with his Mother and Tommy.

"Don't worry Wilbur I'm here."

"I'll stay."

Quackity never felt so important.

The morning after, Wil clung to him as he hugged back. Of course, because their parents are rivals, the interaction was cut short.

Wilbur ended up getting picked up and was forced to climb off the window, though he was hurt and sore.

Days after, they started being them again, Wilbur was glad knowing Quackity cared for him.

And soon Wilbur would do the same (not that he already thinks fondly of Quackity).

Quackity never wanted to see his fiancé and his bestfriend kiss, they were enjoying it too. It was so similar, the same way Sapnap did to him. He swore he saw himself in that situation, months ago.

Hot tears, completely from anger, starts to flood his face. He was so embarrased, infront of Wilbur too?

Wilbur was pissed off, one moment he's standing beside Quackity and then he was punching and calling Sapnap names after.

Quackity ran as fast as he can, trying to run away from everything as well. After 5 minutes of crying and running, he ended up sat on a bench where he always went to, cry.

Then Wilbur sat down with him, with a bruise.

"Hey are you okay?" Wil, gave him an apologetic smile. Quackity sending him a sweet and small smile, before Wilbur took him in a hug.

"Guess." Quackity laughed as he tried to wipe of the disgusting residue of tears, he stupidly cried over the event that happened earlier for no reason. There's definitely no reason, yep! No reason.

He sobbed on Wilbur's shoulder for a while, hearing Wil's heart beat and the chirps of animals near them, made him calmed down a little bit. "Why do you have a bruise anyways." Quackity asked.

"Oh, I gave him a black eye."

"Who's he?"

"Y'know who."

"WILBUR! You could've gotten badly hurt!"

"I'm sorry! It's just that- he was so stupid, I know shouldn't have done that."

Quackity snorted that was the dumbest thing he heard " I wish I gave him a black eye myself, don't worry."

"Do you want to hear a song?"

Quackity may need one of those.

Even if it means sleeping in the bench with Wilbur.

After the first song, Quackity was already asleep.

"How can anyone cheat on you? You're so pretty."


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! i hope all of you are having fun if not im always here to listen i love you all happy holidays<3

FM HERE!! tnt duo my beloved istg istg

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